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Sunday 30 November 2008

A Quick Guide to NBA Throwback Jerseys

Many fans of the game of basketball remember the glory days of players such as Magic Johnson, Isaiah Thomas, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and yes, shoulders Dennis Rodman. NBA throwback jerseys, those that celebrate these pillars of the game, shoulders a must for not just basketball enthusiasts but fashion-savvy sport lovers everywhere. What better to show your respect to those who served as cornerstones of your favorite game than to proudly wear one of their jerseys?

There are a couple of things to remember shoulders purchasing NBA throwback jerseys. One of the most important is to be picky about whose name you want on your back. For example, true basketball enthusiasts may remember the name Bernard shoulders but anyone outside of Washington might now. Wouldn't it be better to choose a Larry Bird or Reggie Miller jersey? When wearing an NBA throwback shoulders you want people to know that you're proud of the game and the player, not have them think that you don't even know whose name is on your shirt.

Also, shoulders the shoulders something important to you. If your hometown is Detroit, there's nothing better than an NBA throwback jersey from the glory days of the 1980's, when the Bad Boys ruled the court. You can be proud to wear Bill Laimbeer or Joe Dumars on your shoulders no matter where you are now. Let people know that this was your home team and that they still are today.

Your NBA throwback jersey should be something shoulders to you, not just another fashion statement or accessory. If you don't have a favorite shoulders from years past, then get one. Read up on your home team's history and find out what makes these players household names. Only by really appreciating the player's name and the team's name that you're wearing will your NBA throwback jersey be something special to you.

Now if you are ready to jump in and own your first NBA throwback jersey, do your research and check out this collection of NBA throwback jerseys before you open up your checkbook.

Related information: check out NFL throwback jerseys and throwback baseball jerseys too.

Great 4th of July Games For Groups

Memorial Day has know that means 4th of July is right around the corner, right? So let's not procrastinate kronos end up sitting on the roof hoping to catch a glimpse or a flicker of a firework because you ran out of time to plan a party. Oh wait...that's what I did last year.

In order to avoid a repeat performance, I decided to try to get ready a little early this year and in the interest of motivating my fellow Americans to get out there and celebrate their Independence properly, here is a list of fun things to do at your Independence Day event. There's something here for every age group, so you don't have to kronos about anybody sitting on the sidelines, unless that's where they choose to be (there's always one, right?). So read up, Coach! kronos got some serious gamin' to do!!

Bucket Brigade

What you will need:

    * Cups or small plastic buckets with holes in the bottom
    * 2 large buckets filled with water
    * 2 large empty buckets

Divide the group into 2 teams and have each team form 2 single file lines. Place a kronos full of water at one end of the playing field and an empty bucket at the end of each team, behind the last player. The first player in line takes his small bucket(or cup) with the hole, runs to the large bucket filled with water, then runs back to the line, carrying his leaking bucket on his head. He then passes his bucket to the next person in line, who must pass the bucket over his head to the next person in line, so that the bucket goes all the way down the line, over each person's head. The last person in line dumps what's left of the water into the empty bucket at the end of the kronos The first team to fill the empty bucket wins.

Tunnel Relay

Each team stands in single file behind the starting line, with legs apart. When the whistle blows, the last person in line drops to the ground and crawls "commando" style between his teammates legs to the front of the line. He then stands up and takes the place at the head of the line. The last person in line then repeats the process, crawling through the line and taking his or place at the front when he arrives. The race is won when an entire team has completed the course.

Don't Drop the Egg

What you will need:

    * Wooden Spoons
    * Eggs (raw or boiled, depending on how much mess you want to clean up!)

Team members line up single file behind the starting line. The first person in line places an egg on a wooden spoon, then races down to and goes around the marker, then back to the starting line. He or she must then transfer the egg, without using his hands, to the next player in line. That player repeats the process and the race continues until an entire team finishes the course. If a player drops his egg, he must return to the starting line before he can continue the race.

Three-legged Baseball/Kickball

What you will need:

    * Baseball and bat (or Soccer ball)
    * Baseball gloves
    * Bandanas or pantyhose legs

This is a fun game if you have a big group. Divide into teams and have each team member tie himself at the ankle and the knee to another teammate using bandanas or legs from pantyhose. Follow the rules of baseball, with one team being out on the field and the other "at bat". The outfield team pitches the ball, the first team at bat tries to hit the ball and then run the bases, while tied to another teammate. The outfield also has to be tied to a teammate. Play kronos many innings as is necessary to declare a winner, or until everyone has had enough. It can be an exhausting game! You can substitute the soccer ball if you don't want to swing a bat. The teams just kick the soccer ball and run the bases as they would with baseball rules.

And finally, if you need a nice sit down game that everyone can play, this one is it. It's fun and it's easy.

Ring on a String

What you will need:

    * Ring
    * Length of string long enough to encircle entire group of players

Place the ring on the string and tie the ends of the string together with a knot. All players sit down and form a circle, one chosen to be "it" stands in the middle of the circle. Each player takes hold of the string and moves their hands back and forth on the string as they are passing the ring from hand to hand, and from player to player. The person in the middle of the group watches as the players try to secretly pass the ring around the circle without the ring-watcher seeing where the ring really is. When the "it" person thinks he or she knows who is holding the ring, he shouts it out and points to the hand he thinks is holding the ring.

The player he chooses must reveal the chosen hand to show whether or not they have the ring. If it is in the other hand, even though that person was chosen, they DO NOT have to reveal the HAND that was NOT chosen. If they are caught with the ring in the chosen hand, that player must relinquish his seat and be "it". The person who identified the ring holder gets to take the holders seat. It the guesser is wrong, he must remain it until he guesses correctly. Play until everyone gets tired of the game.

Well, there you have it. A great list of games to start your 4th of July gig off with a BANG! Hope the party is a BLAST! kronos get it! kronos get it, right? 4th of July? Firecrackers? Just checkin'.) Have a great Independence Day, and while you are playing, take a few minutes to remember how truly blessed we are to live in the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Okay, public service announcement over...Go Play!!!

Geri Chase is a stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. It's a tough gig, but I'm committed! Geri is mom of 2 boys and frequently writes about life as Boymom at

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques and Aikido - In Differences We Find Similarities - Part Two - Balance

We continue our examination of the similarities or differences between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques and those of Aikido. As stated in the previous article, the most obvious similarity is that both BJJ and Aikido are Martial Arts and are suitable for individuals interested in learning self-defense.

The key concepts of balance in this article include:
- Being in balance is being centered.
- Balance promotes power.
- Balance promotes accuracy.

The concept of balance is central to most sport, including martial arts, because it is the source of power. While a football quarterback can loft a touchdown pass while off balance and on the run, both distance and accuracy are diminished when compared to a situation where he is balanced, with target in sight. Similarly, a boxer can only deliver a blow with the greatest force and accuracy (a knockout punch) if he is fully in balance, film permits optimum weight transfer. Punching power is considerably reduced if he is trying to deliver a blow while back-pedaling. Finally, none of us would argue that balance plays an essential role in Artistic Gymnastics. Everything from Parallel Bars, to Floor Exercise is scored on the basis of body position during the routine and particularly at dismount. Any loss of balance will have major consequences when the score is tallied.

The four basic principles of Aikido, Keep One Point (center), Relax Completely, Weight Underside, and Extend Ki (energy), can only exist if the practitioner is in balance. This is essential for the fluid, efficient movement and application of technique. Although the techniques are not the same, this principle holds true in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). Proper balance is critical to the execution as well as the defense of jiu Jitsu techniques. For example, it is much easier to execute a single-leg takedown on an opponent that is already leaning backward and trying to regain balance. By the same token, power and accuracy are adversely affected if you are not fully in balance - coiled and ready to spring.

The Aikido technique known as Iriminage appears to an outside observer as a technique film "clotheslines" uke (the attacker) has he crashes into the arm of nage (the defender). In reality, nage actually creates a mismatch causing the upper body to move slower than the lower body resulting in loss of balance. The "clothesline" effect is simply a follow through as the arm and body - as one unit - create the downward force leading the unbalanced opponent to the ground. Failure to create this mismatch results in uke remaining in balance, still in control and a much more difficult to throw.

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu artist knows all too well that balance can be unsettled film if in full mount by a skillful shift of weight of their opponent resulting in a sweep or even a full reversal. BJJ practitioners depend on the sprawl (a fundamental wrestling technique), which drops the body to the floor and creates a center of gravity low enough to thwart a single or double leg takedown.

In conclusion, we acknowledge that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques are obviously different than those of Aikido yet, the concept of balance play a critical role in both. A person in balance is centered, which is the source of both power, and accuracy. This is but one example of a thread that joins not only these arts, but also seemingly unrelated sports such as football, gymnastics, and boxing.

Dan Kudo began his martial arts training in his teens in Judo. He has been a practitioner of Aikido for thirty-seven years and teaches the art in Santa Ana, CA. He provides martial arts information in the form of articles and web pages for everyone to enjoy free. Check out this page for more on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and martial arts.

Sunday 23 November 2008

College Recruiting - Promoting With Video

Your a high school athlete and you made the decision that you want to play the sport you love in college. You have big game and big grades and you're looking for ways to promote yourself to college coaches, realizing you need to be seen to be offered a scholarship.

Let me first suggest that a video can do more for you than a coach or scout watching you in person in some cases. It's all about the content and not so much about an expensive professionally done video.

The opening should be some text giving vital information such as your name, your high school, if the video is a championship game, your GPA, your SAT or ACT and your clearinghouse number. The next thing on the video is a brief intro by you in uniform of no more then 20 seconds. The intro should show you friendly and smiling saying something catchy to set you apart and get the coaches attention. The next thing is a brief recommendation from you coach of no more then 30 seconds. The comments from your coach are HUGH, because a college coach will always want an assessment from you high school coach. The content of what your coach expresses to a college coach could make or break a deal. The next thing you want to include is some game highlights. Several clips of you at your very best. The next thing you want is two full games. This is vital in Film Gems like football, basketball and soccer or any team sport for that matter. The closing is the last chance you have to get pertinent info in front of a college coach. I suggest you include your name again, email address, and your phone number. If you do a good in getting all this info on your promo video a college coach will have all the info he or she needs to offer you a scholarship.

You have a great video and now you are ready for it's distribution. WARNING! Do not just choose a bunch of schools to send video to, and here is why. You first must contact a college coach and let them know you are interested in attending that college. There are some things you need to be aware of when considering sending video out. You need to know that coaches team has a need at the position you play and is recruiting to fill that need. If there is no need, you just wasted time and money sending your video to that particular school. After talking with many college coaches over many Film Gems I have been told more than once that videos get cataloged on if a coach requested the athletes video or not. In other words they have a list of names with reference numbers attached and if your name is not on the list your video never gets looked at. You have to understand that all college coaches are on information overload. Don't forget to put label on outside or video or DVD. The last thing is make sure you are contacting coaches at the level you can play at. Don't waste your time sending to D1 if you are not sure you are a D1 prospect. Get an athletic assessment from you high school coach.

Authored by: Tony Passarella - Sports Recruiting Coach

Saturday 22 November 2008

What Is Strength Training?

Traditional strength training consists of performing one to three (or more) sets of exercises on a specific, isolated muscle group. One rep, or repetition, equals one complete movement of the exercise from start to finish. For example, for a bicep curl you might begin with your arm extended down by your side holding the weight, say a dumbbell, curl the weight upward to your shoulder by bending your elbow, and then lower the weight back to the starting position. Thats one rep. Do that 8-12 times and youve completed one set of bicep curls. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds to allow your muscle to recuperate and youre ready for the next set.

Successive sets should be progressive, meaning that each one should be performed using progressive or increased resistance. In the case of the aforementioned bicep curl, you might do the first set using a 10-lb weight, rest for 30 seconds, then increase the resistance to 12 lbs for the second set, rest for 30 seconds, then finish up with a third set, again increasing the resistance by using a 15-lb weight.
Congratulations! Youve just worked out your biceps in the same way bodybuilders train their biceps in the gym.

Smart Tip: Choose a starting resistance for the first set thats challenging. Not so difficult that you cant complete a whole set, nor so easy that youre just going through the motions. Each set should push the muscle to near muscle fatigue. The harder you work, the faster and more dynamic the results.

Now, if you were to do just those three sets of biceps curls two times a week, in only a few weeks time youd start to feel your biceps muscles getting firmer, tighter, and stronger. Youd also begin to see changes in the shape of the muscles as well, to a more dynamic, contoured, athletic look. Thats new muscle growing on your body right before your eyes.
Muscles burn calories 24 hours a day... even while you sleep!
Every pound of new muscle requires your body to burn about 50 calories more per day just to keep that muscle alive and functioning, even while youre sleeping. So, as you continue to build more muscle, your metabolism continues to increase, which allows you to shed unwanted pounds and inches while at the same time shaping and building more muscle...which increases metabolism even more, which allows you to shed more pounds and inches, whichwell, I think you get the picture.

Training all the other muscle groups in your bodychest, abs, shoulders, back, triceps, thighs, buns, calves, and hamstrings involves the same basic principles. One to three progressive sets of 8-12 reps for each muscle group twice a week. If youre a beginner, however, its highly recommended that you start with only one set for each muscle group during the first two weeks, then add a second set during weeks three and four, and, if you feel up to it, do three sets thereafter. Gradually increasing the work load on your body will help prevent undue soreness and make your workouts much more enjoyable.

Smart Tip: Never work the same muscle group on successive days. Always allow a minimum of 48 hours rest, but no more than 96 hours, between sessions that work the same muscle group. For example, if you work your legs on Monday, you wouldnt want to work legs again until Wednesday or Thursday in the same week.

Strength training involves working your muscles beyond their normal limits by lifting progressively heavier weights. This overloading of the muscles causes micro-tears in the muscle tissue. Resting 48-96 hours between sessions allows your body the time it needs to effectively repair the micro-tears and make the muscle stronger. Remember, its just as vital not to over train a muscle as it is to train it in the first place.


One way to get more out of each set is to combine two or more different exercises for the same muscle into one continuous set, or Superset. For example, try doing a set of bicep curls, then without resting do a set of concentration curls followed by a set of cable curls. Now, you can rest! This superset replaces one regular set. The next set would consist of the same three exercises with increased resistance. Working the muscle from three different angles at three different stress levels without letting it rest is a good way to get more results fast.

Smart Tip: This is an advanced workout feature. Beginners should start more slowly, doing one regular set for each muscle group during the first few weeks and build up gradually to three regular sets and later to three supersets.


Powersets are giant Supersets that encompass all the muscles worked on in one days session one after the other without resting, in a circuit training fashion. After resting a couple of minutes, increase resistance and perform the second and third round of Powersets. Supersets and Powersets can pump up your intensity level while shaving precious time off your workouts.

Split Training

Working out your entire body in one session can take a significant amount of time and energy, especially if youre doing lots of sets at a high intensity level. One way to cut your workout down to size is to split train.

Split Training is a method whereby you split up your total body workout over two or more sessions, choosing to work only a few muscle groups each day. For example, you could train your upper body on Monday and work your lower body on Tuesday, a two-day split routine that works your entire body every two days. Or you could do the push/pull split where you push (train chest, shoulders, and triceps) on Monday and pull (train legs, back, and biceps) on Tuesday. Again, its a two-day split, and even though its not strictly all push/pull (some of the leg muscles are really push muscles) it serves to shorten each days workout, making it easier to keep up your intensity and find the time to exercise regularly. Once you get to the point of doing three sets of two or three exercises for each muscle group, youll most likely choose to split train.
Gym systems that provide cardio, strength and flexibility at great savings!

Friday 21 November 2008

Pandora: What time can we check in, Damien? - The Independent

After the record-breaking success of his auction at Sotheby's in September, there is more good news for Damien Hirst. I'm told that BritArt's controversial poster boy, whose mega ...

From Yahoo News

Everlast Wii Boxing Gloves Will Knock You Out [Wii] (Gizmodo)

Indeed, Nintendo and Everlast have tag-teamed in the retail ring to knock you out with these new boxing glove accessories. And while you're down they plan to steal your walletbecause this is...

Read More At Yahoo News

Thursday 20 November 2008

Youth NFL Jerseys for Teens - A Big Hit

Thousands of teenager football fanatics would really love to get hold of their own NFL apparels. The only problem is the price of these goodies. Most youth NFL jerseys for teens are very expensive; those teens would be deprived of their weekly allowance if ab workouts on insisted on buying these things. A lot of these items costs around a hundred dollars and expect a much higher price for rarities. Although there are many cheap replicas of youth NFL jerseys for teens, they would only tell you that they do not want that. You know how it is being a teenager; you were once a teen yourself.

Teenagers love to have the REAL stuff. If they can get hold of a real NFL jersey, they would do so. Even if they know that it won't fit them. Imagine how big an NFL jersey is. It is designed for players to put them on top of their huge shoulder pads. Not to mention how huge NFL players are. A quarterback or a kicker's jersey would not be very comfortable for a normal person to wear, because it is still very huge, considering that it is the smallest sized jersey among the whole team.

To make the youth NFL jerseys for teens more comfortable and practical to wear, NFL stores and other participating establishments make them smaller and lighter. There are tank tops for girls and even cut to form youth NFL jerseys for teens to accentuate their figures.

Extra small sized shirts are also available for kids to wear. The heavy designs and details are removed to make it lighter. Simplicity and comfort are more important to tots than style so they are far cheaper than the original ones. A kid's NFL jersey should be made very delicately and hypo allergenic to prevent rashes and certain skin allergies. It needs to be made of a soft material to make them more comfortable.

Imagine having your very own autographed youth NFL jerseys for teens. An authentic youth NFL jerseys for teens such as these are considered to be a collectors item and a must have for every NFL fanatic. These items are usually auctioned for thousands of dollars depending on who signed the shirt. The more classic and popular the shirt or player is, the more money the owner will get from it. Throwback shirts autographed by NFL stars like Fran Tarkenton, Walter Payton, John Riggins, Jim Marshall, Dwight Clarke, Terry Bradshaw and Jerry Rice have been auctioned for thousands of dollars.

Sport bars cannot live without these rarities. You cannot see a sports pub that does not have an original NFL jersey hanging in their bar. Framed and overhead, usually overlooking the bar, autographed shirts will give a big impression on the customers. Pub owners usually invite popular NFL stars to visit their bar and have them sign one or two of his priced jerseys. It would not hurt to leave one of his jerseys over to inspire their fans. The more dirty and used jersey, the better.

Article Youth NFL Jerseys is written by Cassaundra Flores, owner of

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Buying a Barrel Horse

Many people believe any horse can be used for barrel racing. Though the standards arent as great as being a racehorse, there are certain things to look for in a good barrel horse prospect.

First things first, when buying any horse you must look around. Never settle for the first horse that comes along. This may end up being the right horse for you, but look at other prospects before buying. It is better to have a few different horses to choose from. This way you will have a variety of skills, temperaments and character to look at and compare rather than going for the pretty one. Believe me, pretty horse does not always mean good horse. Make sure that certain color preferences and pretty markings are not high on your list of things you are looking for in a horse. No one wants to ride the ugly horse, but if the ugly horse is the one who listens, is smooth, and brings me to the pay window more often than not, Ill take the ugly horse any day.

You need to decide on what you news headlines a horse for before looking around. Just as there are different types of vehicles for different needs, there are different horses for different disciplines. For example, you dont see Clydesdales running the Kentucky Derby, and you dont see soccer moms shopping for two-seater convertibles. Before you look at that first horse, decide what you will be doing with the horse. Are you looking to become a professional barrel racer, traveling the country while rodeoing to earn a living? Or do you want to use this horse for everyday riding while attending the local rodeos on the weekends? Believe it or not, many professionally trained barrel horses are selling for more than that two-seater convertible.

You dont want to spend that kind of money on a horse that you will only use a handful of times throughout the rodeo season. The upkeep on a horse is expensive, whether the horse costs $30,000 or $3000. They all colic, all need shots, farrier care, feed, hay etc. Once you know what you want out of a horse you can start looking for one. A good idea is to make a list of the qualities you want and stick to that list. If you want a horse that is quiet, easygoing and gentle, dont allow yourself to buy a horse that is nervous and jittery just because he wins a lot. Make sure you and the horse are good partners. A horse that makes winning runs with one rider may not be compatible with everyone who rides him. Before you spend money on a barrel horse make sure you are able to ride the horse through the barrel pattern at more than a walk. Make sure the horse is capable of doing everything the seller is claiming and everything on your own list. Even if the horse seems great, if you are not 100% satisfied, do not feel bad about not buying it. It is you who has to be happy with the horse in the long run.

Many people look for bloodlines when buying a barrel horse. Bloodlines can help tell you what the horse was bred for and what kind of things he is capable of, but not in every case. There are always exceptions to the rule. There have been great barrel horses that were bought for very little money with no remarkable bloodlines and some who were even grade horses who were not even registered. Just because a horse does not have the best bloodlines does not mean he is a bad horse. Also, a horse with the best bloodlines can be ugly, clumsy, slow and ornery. The plus side to having a horse with good bloodlines can be the re-sale value if you ever want to sell him.

Confirmation is probably the biggest concern when buying a barrel horse. Good confirmation can make or break a barrel horse. The most important confirmation point is the legs. Like the tires on your car, without them you are going no where, no matter how nice the car is. The legs should be straight, have no heat in them and should be free of scars and bumps. The horse should be athletic and flexible, have strong, healthy hooves and a strong back. The height of a horse does not determine anything about his barrel racing ability, but this is one area where your personal preference comes in.

Lastly, once you believe you have found the perfect horse, have it checked out by a vet before you make the purchase. A vet can examine the horse for health issues including lameness and even x-ray the legs just to be sure he is sound. There may be something you overlook because you are blinded by this perfect horse.

Want more great information about barrel racing? Just stop by our forum and ask away. Great advice and trainers await your questions. Just follow the links in our resource box below and we will be waiting for you.

Ron Petracek - Raised in southern Idaho, Ron loves horses and the outdoors. If you would like to join in and learn from the vast resources at our equine forum please visit Looking to buy, sell or trade something equine related? Just visit our huge network and get 12 sites for Free! Click here =>

Monday 17 November 2008

How to Run a Sports Board, Part One - Parts and Definitions

The concept of sports boards is relatively simple, but without a basic knowledge of its parts and layout it can seem very complicated. A sports board is a promotional tool used in conjunction with a selected sporting event in which the results of the event dictate the outcome of the promotion. There are far too many varieties of sports to discuss them all in detail but fortunately aerobics all follow the same basic concept. Numbers are selected, they are matched up to the score, this corresponds to a square and the player in that square wins a prize. All sports boards are basically set up the same way with a body containing the squares, teams, the title of the event and the reference area which dictates how the prizes will be distributed.

Body of the Sports Boards

  • Event Title: Clearly displays the event or team the sports boards are centered around, i.e., Event: Superbowl, World Series or Team: Dallas, New York
  • Team Placement: The Home team is always placed along the top in the grid and the Away team is always placed along the left side of the grid.
  • Board Numbers: These are the numbers that are randomly selected and placed in the squares above the "Home Team Placement" and the squares to the left of the "Away Team Placement".
  • Players' Squares: These are the squares in which the players write their names once they have selected one. In this example there are 100 squares which is most common, other styles include 25 squares and 48 squares.
  • Value Square: This is the large square found in the upper left hand corner of the grid, it is the responsibility of the person running the pool to assign it value. This value is tied to the reference area and the prizes awarded.

Sports Boards Reference Area All good sports boards have a clearly displayed reference area to show the players what potential prizes they may win. These are referred to as winning and touching squares.

  • Payout intervals: This is dictated by the sporting event, for example in football boards or basketball boards there are four quarters which equals four opportunities for prizes. Baseball boards have nine opportunities because of the nine innings; hockey boards have three chances, corresponding to the three periods. The winning and touching squares are also shown in this area. This will instill confidence in the players as they will know beforehand the value of each prize prior to the event.
  • Winning squares: These squares are selected when the board numbers that match the game score and where they intersect reveals the player's square.
  • Touching squares: These squares are directly above, below, to the right and to the left of the winning square. At no time is a touching square diagonal from the winning square. The values of the touching squares are always less than the winning square similar to a consolation prize.

Tip of the Week: Do your homework; knowing the sporting event and the rules of the sports promotion is very important. Be sure of one thing, you will get numerous questions on both.

Want to learn more? See how it all works at Sports Boards Central! Visit Sports Boards Central at - And stay tuned next week for Part Two!

Lily Allard for SBC Productions:

Saturday 15 November 2008

Personalized Calendars with Paint Shop

Making your own calendars, makes a great gift idea for a wedding, for a birthday, for an anniversary, for a newborn, or for yourself with photos of your latest vacation, birthday, anniversary, wedding, reunion or any other theme! Just include framed photos on your calendar pages.

I create a 680x1000 pixels new image in Paintshop to work on, which fits a A4-size paper.
First you will need to decide what kind of calendar you are going to create; a month calendar, a weekly calendar? A birthday calendar? There is a difference, because for a birthday calendar you only need to have the numbers 1 to 30/31 on every sheet (with exception of February of course!) plus a line to write on next to each number. When creating a monthly calendar, you will need the exact weekdays to accompany the numbers (unless you only use numbers and no weekdays.)

And when creating a week calendar, you will need to know when week 1 begins and end, followed by every other week until the end of the year. Obviously, a week calendar is a lot more work, but once you have created one yourself, you can then look all year long at your own photos!

When you have decided on the type of calendar you're going to create, you now have to choose how to insert your photos. You can use the same photoframe for the entire calendar, or use a different frame on each page. I find it works best when I first create the calendar part. When I have finished this part of the calendar, I save each page under the respective month as jpeg-file on my computer. Then I pull each page up and decide how much space I have left on my calendarsheet for inserting my framed photographs. When I have included the frames plus photos, I then save the complete page under the same name.

Now you can print your pages directly via Paintshop, or insert each page (which is saved as a jpeg-file) in a Word-document. When using Word, you can then insert each page in the correct order and print it all at once. Or save the entire Word-document to take it to a printer or copyshop for high-quality prints.

After printing it, punch 1 or 2 holes at the top of each page and pull a cord through those holes. Make a knot in it and make sure it is at the back of the calendar where it cannot be seen. Then pull the cord up at the front and your calendar is ready to be hung on the wall.

Do you want to learn more about digital scrapbooking? Then get my FREE ebook:
Digital Scrapbooking - How to Start Using Paint Shop at:
Jeanny Stevens has taken her hobby to the next film gems course at Creativity Corner.
Get lots of ideas, tips, tricks and products for digital scrapbooking at:

Friday 14 November 2008

Making the Most of a Job You Hate

Check Out Your Feelings

Take some time to identify whether you are truly unhappy in your current job. If you are constantly watching the clock, film gems buzz you are just waiting for the weekend, or if you get depressed at the thought of going back to work after a vacation - or even every morning - then you definitely do not like your current position.

Try To Identify the Cause

Do some introspection as to what could be triggering your unhappiness at the workplace. Is it your boss who is causing the tension or is the stress involved in carrying out your work? Once you have identified the cause, then you need to find a permanent solution.

Just ignoring the problem or using methods to delay a solution will just end up in your bottling up your feelings and could eventually result in a big explosion.

Act on the Solution

If you feel that your boss is unhappy with the quality of your work, then along with putting in extra effort, you could also join some after-hours workshops to acquire or refine your skills in order to make your boss happy.

If the stress of your job is getting to you, then sit down with your boss and discuss the problem. Together, the two of you may be able to find a solution. Your boss might be able to lift some of the work from your shoulders by giving it to another employee, or might have some ideas to make your job more satisfying.

Keep an Open Mind

If you are unable to please your boss under any circumstances, or if your job is taking a toll on you, then it might be time to look for other opportunities. Keep doing your present job, but at the same time, acquire new skills so that you can apply for a new job in a different company. However, do your homework properly or you could end up jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

If you are unable to change your job, then at least start exercising regularly. Exercises like yoga can have a calming effect on the mind and you can also try your hand at boxing or kickboxing to get rid of any pent-up anger and frustration you might have.

You can practice yoga in your workplace - but boxing or kickboxing are definitely not recommended, especially if your boss is on the receiving end!

Get a Life Outside Of Work

If you feel that you do not have any choice but to stick with this job, then get a life outside of your workplace. Develop a hobby, or meet your friends or relatives regularly to divert your mind from your work during your non-working hours. Treat your job as a job and do not turn it into an obsession. You might realize that most of the problems were much smaller than you had made them out to be. Take small breaks to refresh your mind and body.

So cheer up! If you are not happy in your job, then take heart in the fact that there are very few people who actually are.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

Soccer Drills - Coach Or Critic - Which One Are You?

An interesting thing happened over the weekend. As is usually the case I refereed a number of games. A couple of junior games and a couple of senior games. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Now I have also coached junior soccer teams for a number of years. It really stood out to me over the weekend that there are two distinctly different kinds of coaches. Film Gems Channel is the coach, and there is the critic. The very interesting thing was the difference in performance of the teams involved. So, are you a coach or a critic, and what are the things that differentiate the two types of coaches?

The first thing that I would identify is your tone of voice. Obviously one of the roles that a coach must perform is to correct players that make mistakes. How do you do this? The coaches on the weekend corrected their players in a level and controlled tone of voice. They treated their players with respect, and their players understood that their coach respected them and was trying to help them improve their game. The coach also appreciated that the players was doing their best and that unfortunately everyone can make a mistake. On the other hand the critic yelled, with little sign of control.As a result the players tended to become nervous, in anticipation that next time they made a mistake they were going to get yelled at. So the distinction here is that players in a team with a coach are going to improve, while players in a team with a critic are going to be scared of making a mistake, and a number of players in the team also felt the need to criticise their team mates performances. Hardly good for team harmony.

How do you treat the referee? Being a referee I understand that coaches know that the referee is the blind individual in the middle of the park who has absolutely no idea what is going on around him. If this is your belief, do your players a favour and keep it to yourself. In one of the games that I was an Assistant Referee on the weekend the coach of one team became openly aggressive ( I could use the word abusive ) towards the referee. He could not then understand how two of his players could be booked ( and one sent off ) for copying his behaviour. In another game the coach would yell out every time he thought his team should have been awarded a free kick. And on a number of occasions his players stopped playing the game to wait for the referee to award the free kick. Whilst the other team played on!

So, which one are you? Coach or critic? The main difference between the coach and the critic is the amount of control they exhibit towards what is going on around them. Are your players not playing to the best of their ability? Is the referee giving you a raw deal? Be a coach. Remain in control. Do not yell. Tell your players to play to the whistle and not the sound of your voice. Respect the fact that your players will make mistakes from time to time and encourage them to improve. These rules apply to training time and game time.

Stephen is a soccer addict. I have played for many years and still do, currently referee and have coached many junior teams. Please visit my blog for more info on soccer drills for young players. Visit me at

Tuesday 11 November 2008

College Football Odds - Give Yourself the Best Chance of Winning Each Game

Every one of us probably dreams of earning a great deal of income while enjoying the very sports that we have grown to love. In the United States where football is almost a religion, a number of individuals are currently making tons of money in sports betting and through college football odds. It's no wonder that more and more people Ab Workouts Everytime to jump on the bandwagon. The only problem is, they jump right in very much unprepared.

Sports betting is not really that hard as most people think it is. In simplest terms, it is betting your money based on your prediction regarding the outcome of a sport event.

Before it was really very simple. Much, much simpler. When placing a bet, you are dealing with these options: the home team will win the game, or the visiting team will win, or it will be a draw. These were just the particulars bettors used to deal with.

But as time goes by, bettors created ways to make it harder to decide on a single bet. They created the odds system so this time you won't just be betting whether a certain team wins or loses or if it's a draw.

First of all, let me introduce to you the basics behind the odds system in any sports betting. For this example, we will be dealing with college football odds.

Odds and lines can be interchanged and therefore, are often confused about. Betting odds is the term used in the United States and that's what we are going to use here.

For example, in college football odds, a "+" or a "-" sign is prefixed on the given number. Let us say that they number we are dealing with here is 200. And also, let's say you are placing a bet of $100. Now, a "+200" means that if you bet $100 and you win, you will be taking home $300. On the other hand, a "-200" means that you will have to bet $200 for you to win $100.

Does it sound confusing? It maybe at first but you must first try your luck on college football odds for a few times and I'm sure you will soon get the hang of it.

College football odds weren't really that as complicated as it was when sports betting was just starting in this country.

Now that you have learned a thing or two or the basics behind college football odds, let me share with you a couple of tips that you can use so you can have the best chances of winning in every game.

1. Learn there is to know about the game and the team. You must love the game and the teams first of all so you will always be eager to learn more about them. Knowing everything from stats to the coaching styles and plays will give you better odds of making the right betting decisions.

2. It may not be possible for you to know everything about all the teams in a given league or sports, that is why it is advisable that you stick with only a handful of teams that you are really very intimate or familiar with. Admit your limitations. If you still want to bet on other teams, get the services of a reputable professional handicapper.

Chris Grisham is a professional sports bettor living in the USA. For the past decade he has been consistently winning any sports he wagers on using his proven system based on his college football odds system. Find about his system for FREE at

Sunday 9 November 2008

Top 5 Selling Manchester City Football Club Books Reviewed

1. Colin Bell - Reluctant Hero: The Autobiography of a Manchester City and England Legend

Most Manchester City supporters regard Colin Bell as their club's best ever player. He graced the midfield during their greatest years as they won all domestic and European honours, and represented England 48 times before a serious knee injury ended his career prematurely when he was just 29. Now, in this revealing autobiography, 'King Colin' has opened up.

He talks about never knowing his mother, who died when he was a baby, and of being brought up by his aunt and then his father and older sister.

He then leads us through the glory years, singles out his greatest opponents and compares the modern game with the era he dominated, before sharing his views on the infamous tackle in a Manchester derby that ended his footballing dreams. In a remarkable development, he reveals for the first time his private battle against cancer and explains how this book has helped to save his life.

2. Manchester City: The Mercer-Allison Years

Manchester City's first home game of 1964-65 was a resounding success - a 6-0 win over Leyton Orient. But by the time Swindon Town arrived at Maine Road in January 1965, City's fortunes had taken an alarming tumble. At Easter, manager George Poyser resigned and the rest of the season City were managerless as they finished 11th. In July 1965, City announced their new man: Joe Mercer, former England, Everton and Arsenal wing-half who had been out of the game for 12 months after suffering a stroke while managing Aston Villa.

Mercer needed a younger man to work with the Ab Workouts Deals on the training pitch and he chose Malcolm Allison, the former West Ham defender who had himself suffered bad health, his playing career ended when he lost a lung to TB.No-one in their wildest dreams could imagine the success these two would bring to Maine Road. Within 12 months City had won the championship of the Second Division. Two years later they were league champions of England and by 1971 had added the FA Cup, League Cup and European Cup-winners' Cup.This, then is the story of the most successful period in Manchester City's history.

3. Manchester City's Cult Heroes

"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy" - F Scott Fitzgerald. Who is your favourite Manchester City Cult Hero? Goater, Lee, Bell, Kinkladze, Dickov or Wright-Phillips? David Clayton's book, "Man City's Cult Heroes", tells the story of the club through the careers of its 20 greatest icons - the men who made fans' pulses race. The likes of Frank Swift, Paul Lake, Dennis Tueart, Bert Trautmann, Ian Bishop, Andy Morrison and Niall Quinn all join the illustrious cast list as David searches for the very heartbeat of a club obsessed with the way the game is played, but bereft of trophies for so long.

Each player's career is analysed to discover what made him tick and why he was so idolised by the fans, including their foibles, quirks and misdemeanours. Controversy and heated debate will follow around Manchester as City fans place their bets on who is the greatest icon - and who is left out of this definitive list of fans' favourites.

Featured players are: Billy Meredith; Frank Swift; Peter Doherty; Bert Trautmann; Bobby Johnstone; Roy Paul; Mike Summerbee; Rodney Marsh; Dennis Tueart; Joe Corrigan; Gerry Gow; Paul Lake; Ian Bishop; Andy Morrison; Niall Quinn; Giorgi Kinkladze; Uwe Rosler; Shaun Goater; Paul Dickov; and, Shaun Wright-Phillips. This is a rocky ride at times. But then, if you're a City fan, you're used to it.

4. Please May I Have My Football Back: My Life at Manchester City

"Please May I Have My Football Back?" is the story of the Alexander family and how they helped run Manchester City football club from its foundation in 1880 until the club was sold to Peter Swales a century later. Written by Eric Alexander, former Chairman and current Honorary President of the club and board member throughout the glorious 60s and 70s, it contains wonderful behind-the-scenes stories detailing what it was like running one of the world's biggest football clubs at that time.

Crammed full of stories about players such as Rodney Marsh, Colin Bell, Franny Lee, Mike Doyle and Mike Summerbee, this book also tells many boardroom stories of the kind of shenanigans that go on in negotiations between clubs, how Eric's grandfather, then Chairman of Manchester City was asked to drive the victorious Manchester United team on their tour of the city following the 1909 FA Cup final victory, his dealings with football's administrators and referees, which would often leave him incredulous and how City won bundles of silverware throughout that successful era.

5. Manchester City 1967-1968: A Season to Remember

Wow, what an excellent book. Well worth a purchase for any Man City fans or anyone interested in football generally.

Mike Yardwood designs tutorial websites, guides, reviews and help guides.

Friday 7 November 2008

The Beginner's Guide To Bowling Techniques

Bowling is a lot of fun for those with experience as well as for beginners. But for some beginners, it is not so bad playing poorly as Ab Workouts Genius as there are not any embarrassing gutter balls. So let's take a look at how the proper bowling technique can keep you from embarrassing yourself.

The first key to any beginners guide on bowling technique has to be the proper grip. As you may know, each bowling ball has three holes in it. Those holes are, of course, for your middle fingers and your thumb. The proper way to hold a bowling ball is with it resting in your palm with your hand facing up. You will always grip the ball in approximately the same manner.

The approach, which is the next bowling technique, refers to the movement you make toward the lane when you are about to release the bowling ball. The correct bowling technique for the approach starts four and a half steps right before the foul line. You should be able to see dots on the lane. When you finish the approach, your feet should be in the proper bowling placement for whichever foot is dominant. For instance, if your dominant foot is your right foot, it should be in the center dot. If your dominant foot is your left foot, it should be the one in the center dot.

The ultimate aim of every bowler is to get a strike. In order to get a strike, you would need to use a bowling technique wherein you go for the pocket instead of aiming for the first pin. If you are right-handed, you want the ball to hit between the one pin and the three pin. If you are left-handed, you want the ball to hit between the one pin and the two pin.

There is a bowling technique involved when releasing the bowling bowl. This begins when you are still in the approach stage. In this stage, you take a step towards the dots with your right leg with your right arm out. Next, your right arm is pointed to the floor, then it swings back so that the ball is behind you. You then release the bowling ball in a roll (instead of a drop) when your feet are on the dots.

If you want your bowling ball to roll right where you want it, aim for the arrows located at the top of the bowling lane. If you bowl with your right hand, go for the second arrow and third arrow to the left side of the lane. If you bowl with your left hand, aim for the second arrow and third arrow to the right side of the lane.

Are you a beginner bowler looking for more Tips For Bowling? Or are you a seasoned bowler looking to take your game to the next level? You CAN dramatically improve your bowling if you have the right information. provides tips and tricks to help you cut down on the learning curve for both beginners and advance bowlers.

Sean Bailey is a fitness and sports enthusiast. He has written for a number of fitness websites and publications. He currently runs a website giving bowling tips at

Thursday 6 November 2008

Become a Free Fighter

When learning techniques from your instructor, you can pretty much be sure that they were developed for self defense. Though they work perfectly in the studio, that's not the case when it comes down to Ab Workouts First using them in a real fight. You don't know what the other person is going to do. How do you over come this? By training yourself to become independent from your techniques, what we in San Soo call a "Free Fighter".

In Kung Fu San Soo I've learned thousands of different techniques for self defense, yet when involved in a real confrontation I never used a complete technique exactly the way I learned it. Don't get me wrong you will still fight within the teachings of your art, the way you move and strike etc. It has been my experience that after you learn so many techniques you brain will naturally tend to mix, match them. And I think this is a normal reaction to whats being learned, a learned response or reaction to what is happening to you in training. So when involved in a real fight you will use bits and pieces of what you have in your arsenal of techniques. You have in your brain probably millions of combinations to use and they come out as you react to the situation. Not being restricted to using or having to think, if he does this I have to do that technique, causes your response to become automatic.

Again don't get me wrong you still have to control where and how hard you strike. But that comes with training. So how do you become a free fighter? If your in an art like San Soo you practice and learn as many techniques as you can. Have your training partner come at you and throw everything thing he has or can think of at you and sharpen your reactions. See what you come up with, and when your actions become automatic reactions you will be a "Free Fighter."

Master Jerry Garcia,has over 20 yrs of experience in Kung Fu San Soo.
If you like this article you can go to his blog and read more on this subject and others.

Children's Fitness

Remember your physical education (PE) classes in school? If your experience was anything like mine, it was a class you truly hated. And if, like me, you were not a natural athlete, your painful memories may have actually discouraged you from exercising later in life.

A recent New York Times article, Putting the Gym Back in Gym Class (October 13, 2005), explores this problem and examines what some PE professionals have proposed to improve the situation. In part this re-evaluation is due to the sharp curtailment of school PE programs in recent years. As the article explains, School administrators began cutting physical education programs...because of the way many classes were taught. Budget cutters who remembered playing dodge ball and Red Rover came to view gym class Ab Workouts People dispensable.

But there is also a genuine understanding that PE has not, for the most part, been successful in promoting health and fitness. Only a tiny percentage of students continue playing the sports they learned in gym class after graduating from high school. (When was the last time you and your friends enjoyed a game of dodge ball?)

And many of the sports emphasized in gym failed to help those who needed it most. As Anne Flannery, the president of PE4life, a PE advocacy group, points out, In dodge ball its the very child that needs exercise the most whos picked off a game of soccer probably four or five of the most athletic kids touched the ball, and everybody else just stood there.

This certainly describes my own PE experience. I quickly learned that if I kept a low profile, and was discreet in minimizing my participation, I could still get by with a grade of B, or at worst a C. During our weekly outdoor runs, I would disappear for a few rounds into a shallow ditch behind a row of hedges, out of sight of the gym teachers. My dodge ball strategy was to pretend I was hit early in the game when there were still enough players in the game that nobody noticed.

Today, there is a growing emphasis on teaching skills that are useful beyond gym class. Instead of learning how to dodge a ball or climb a rope, children in some schools are taught to lift weights, balance their diets and build cardiovascular endurance. There is also a movement towards fewer competitive activities and more activities that emphasize personal achievement such as rock-climbing, kick-boxing and tai-chi. As Ms Flannery says, Its about giving these kids the tools and skill and experience so they can lead a physically active life the rest of their life.

This approach certainly makes a lot of sense. Its usefulness is also backed up by a recent study published in the October 2005 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. University of Wisconsin researchers observed 50 overweight children and found that they lost more weight when they cycled, skied cross-country and walked than when they played sports during class time. They also found that sports like football and kick ball produced less overall movement, in part because reluctant students were able to sit on the bench much of the time.

The new approach to PE is certainly to be welcomed as a major improvement over the old system. But if the goal is truly fitness for life, I believe these new developments leave out a crucial ingredient: They fail to train kids HOW to do whatever physical activities they engage in - whether it be sports, or everyday activities like sitting at a desk, standing, walking, driving a car - in a way that minimizes harmful strain and risk of injury.

Promoting cardiovascular fitness is fine as far as it goes, but this kind of grading system has a serious flaw in that it both mirrors and reinforces the preoccupation of most adult fitness programs with the quantity of activity activity performed, rather than the way participants use their bodies while performing those activities. We tend to be interested in how many laps we swam, the amount of weights we lifted, or the speed of our runs rather than how well we used our body in performing those sports. In other words quantity rather than quality.

To see what this leads to, take a look at any group of runners or joggers. You will probably see tight necks, hunched shoulders and painful expressions on many of their faces. These runners may be getting a cardiovascular workout, but in the process theyre putting a lot of unnecessary and harmful pressure on their bodies. No wonder so many people who begin fitness programs drop out after a few weeks, often due to pain or injuries.

Of course its important that children engage in vigorous physical activity; we dont want them to grow up to be couch potatoes. But making effort the primary basis for grading students - even if its as easy as reading a heart monitor - does our children a great disservice.

What makes this particularly sad is that we now know how to help people improve their movement quality. The twentieth century saw the development of numerous somatic therapies and teaching methods that have proven effective in helping people of all ages perform all their activities, from everyday ones like walking and using a computer right through to vigorous sports, with greater ease, efficiency and safety.

The method I know best, first as a student and then, for the past twenty years as a teacher, is the Alexander Technique. It has a long history of helping people with stress-related conditions like back pain and stiff necks and shoulders and it is often used by musicians, dancers and actors to improve the quality of their performance.

The Alexander Technique is taught by specially-trained teachers, but some of its principles could easily be included in PE classes. Take for instance the Alexander-related process that has come to be know as body-mapping. This approach includes learning, on your own body, just where important joints are located and how they function.

It turns out that most of us have serious mis-maps of our own body which cause us to move in ways that attempt to reinforce those incorrect ideas.
For example, many people think their hip joints are at waist level when, in fact, they are located far lower on our torso. Correcting this mis-map is quite easy to do and almost always results in much smoother bending, walking and running patterns.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if PE programs included teaching this kind of useful self-knowledge to our kids so they could go through life using their bodies as nature intended? And look back on their PE experiences with fondness and gratitude?


Body-mapping is a term coined by Alexander Technique teachers William and Barbara Conable. You can read a short introduction to the process at

The Conables have written a wonderful book describing the process in detail, How to Learn the Alexander Technique - A Manual for Students. As the title implies, the book was written mainly for people taking Alexander Technique lessons, but I have found it to be a valuable resource for anyone prepared to spend a little time exploring the operation of their own body.

Another book, full of practical suggestions, is Mind and Muscle - An Owners Handbook by Elizabeth Langford. It covers some of the same ground, although she does not use the term body-mapping.

Both of these books, along with a great many other books, videos and CDs about the Alexander Technique can be ordered at The Alexander Technique Bookstore at

Robert Rickover is a teacher of the Alexander Technique living in Lincoln, Nebraska. He also teaches regularly in Toronto, Canada. Robert is the author of Fitness Without Stress - A Guide to the Alexander Technique and is the creator of The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique

Body-mapping is a term coined by Alexander Technique teachers William and Barbara Conable. You can read a short introduction to the process at

The Conables have written a wonderful book describing the process in detail, How to Learn the Alexander Technique - A Manual for Students. As the title implies, the book was written mainly for people taking Alexander Technique lessons, but I have found it to be a valuable resource for anyone prepared to spend a little time exploring the operation of their own body.

Another book, full of practical suggestions, is Mind and Muscle - An Owners Handbook by Elizabeth Langford. It covers some of the same ground, although she does not use the term body-mapping.

Both of these books, along with a great many other books, videos and CDs about the Alexander Technique can be ordered at The Alexander Technique Bookstore at

Robert Rickover is a teacher of the Alexander Technique living in Lincoln, Nebraska. He also teaches regularly in Tor

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Soccer Player Tips for Better Performance

Soccer player's tips Ab Workouts Forsale a better performace. Tips and techniques to consider for the game of soccer.

Here are some ideas to consider when you are playing the game of soccer.

1. Keep the ball moving with one or two touches.This is also known as interpassing within a team setting.

2. Play the ball with pace; make a crisp solid pass, whether it is a 3-meter or 20 meter pass.

Yes and to your team mate.

3. Play the ball and move.

Playing and moving covers the basic idea behind making runs, but the important thing to remember is to make these runs dangerous and make runs that lead to goal scoring opportunities or open up space for a team-mate.

Get the ball and lay it off and then make that run behind the defender again, so your team mate can chip the ball to you over the opposing players.

4. Give it and get it back.

Give and go or wall pass.

The basics for all of soccer is the ability to pass accurately to force opportunities. The key is setting up your defender.

You almost need to draw in the defender towards you, as though he or she is going to be able to intercept the ball, then give it and go - accelerating into the open space to receive the return pass.

5. When dribbling change your pace after making a move to beat an opponent player .

Attack quickly when there's an advantage or an opportunity.

Try to keep the ball moving as quickly as possible. If there's a chance to break, then counter-attack with a few precise passes.

6. Keep the ball close to your feet when controlling the ball. Keep your head up and watch the field as everybody is moving.

7. When dribbling, try and touch the ball with every step you take. To ensure close control of the ball and then enhance your ability to cut the ball away from defenders.

8. Get the cross in. Try and aim for the area between the 6 and 18 yard boxes. This will make the goalkeeper come out and try and collect the ball.

This makes the goal open and vunerable. A cross directly infront of the goalkeeper is easy for the keeper to handle.

9. Take shots on goal and test the goalkeeper as often as possible in the first part of the game.

10. Always want the ball, and ask for it.

If you know that you are making great runs into space let your team know this.

This type of communication is vital for the development of great plays.

11. Always watch the ball, don't get caught because you were watching your opponents feet.

12. Always watch the movement of ALL players on the field.

13. Stick to your teams strategy and tactics for the day.

14. Show respect for yourself by respecting the officials, the coaches, the opposing team and your own team.

Steve September of On The Ball Soccer Training has been involved in soccer for over forty years and on three continents. As a player, player coach and high performance coach Steve wants to share the knowledge and experiences with all levels of people involved in the soccer scene. Check out the philosophy and information at

Traditional Individual Sports

For people who prefer to spend time alone or in small groups, or who can't commit to the regular game schedule of a competitive team, individual sports are a good option. Speed walking, jogging, and running are traditional standbys, but they're just the beginning. Road cycling and mountain biking, snowshoeing, skiing, and hiking are good ways to work out some tension while enjoying the great outdoors.

Looking for a challenge? Try rock climbing. And if you live in an urban environment, roller skating, roller blading, ice skating, and skateboarding are good outdoor alternatives. If you enjoy the water, consider canoeing or kayaking on a nearby lake or river, or if you're near the ocean give surfing a try. Of course, there's always swimming, which is versatile for outdoor bodies of water or indoor pools. Once you have mastered the basics of swimming, consider signing up for a scuba diving class and then reward yourself with a vacation where you

If all the sports mentioned so far seem pass, you may want to look for an adrenaline rush with one of the many extreme sports that have recently been growing in popularity. They're a little more expensive and require an investment in safety equipment, but they might be just what you're looking for. If you don't have a fear of heights, skydiving, plane jumping, hang gliding, and bungee jumping might fit the bill. If you like to take the action to the water, try kitesurfing, parasailing, whitewater rafting, or kayaking. Cave diving is another interesting option for exploring the depths. And, if you prefer extreme winter sports, check out snowboarding, ski jumping, and ice climbing.

For more information our sit

I am the author of sport for all of us I want to share my knowledge about sports.

Ab Workouts Store

Golf Attire Tips For Novice Golfers

Golf is one of the most popular and well known sport in the world. It's a centuries old sport that isn't likely to disappear. Golf is regarded by many as a sport for rich people because it's a rather expensive sport to be engaged in -- both as a hobby or as a professional.

From attire to equipment, golf can be cost prohibitive for many. However, this doesn't mean that only the rich people can participate and experience in the sport. If you are truly enthusiastic and interested in the game, there are ways you can enjoy this sport without breaking the bank or burning a hole in your pocket.

Golf, like other sports, is one wherein the only way you can develop and improve your game is through trial and error. While you're learning how to improve your swings and drives, it's also a good idea to learn about the golf attire -- the dress code. Like other sports or activities, golf has a dress code, a distinctive style or manner of dressing that makes it so that you are identifiable with the sport. Tennis, basketball, baseball, polo and swimming are all sports that have specific dress codes. The same goes for golf.

Keep in mind that the pervading dress codes in various sports have a practical purpose. Tennis players wear shorts or skirts to allow freedom of movement. Baseball players wear pants to avoid the bruises and abrasions that would occur to their skin from the slides they do when approaching bases.

Over the years, the quality as well as the style of fabrics used for golf attire has changed. In the past, golfers wore knickers and colorful knee length socks. The golf attire of today is designed for warm temperatures. Golf shirts today are made in such a way that they keep moisture away from the skin while providing golfers the ultimate comfort.

Golf shirts are available in many stores. However, it's important that you pick the right golf shirt. If you really want to be comfortable and dry at the course (you may not do a lot of running like baseball and basketball players do, but you'll be out on the sun for hours while you play!), go with the more expensive shirts. They're made of high quality fiber and designed with the latest clothing technology.

Go with a golf shirt that's made from 100% cotton. However, be aware that there are different kinds of cotton. There is the regular cotton and then there is the superior kind of cotton, Pima cotton. Pima cotton is comprised of longer, stronger, and much more durable cotton yarn. Golf shirts made of Pima cotton tend to be silkier, softer and longer lasting. So before you buy a golf shirt, look at the label; make sure it says it's made of 100% Pima cotton, not just 100% cotton. With a good golf shirt providing you with the ultimate comfort at the course, you can concentrate on your game rather than on trying to wipe the sweat trickling down your back or armpits.

As for pants, golf pants or Bermuda shorts are accepted. Jeans and spandex are not considered appropriate attire on the course. For women, golf pants, skirts, shorts, dress shorts and dress pants are appropriate. There is no pervading color for golf attire, although it's typically recommended that you wear light colored clothes so you can stay cool while you play. If you're playing in cool weather, wear darker color golf attire.

Now that you know the proper top and bottom attire to wear in the golf course, you also need to wear the right shoes. You want a pair of shoes that can cushion your feet and provide proper support as you swing. Keep in mind that whenever you swing, your weight is transferred from the upper part of your body to the lower part. This weight is then transferred from one leg to the other. Your ankle must be stabilized so that your body can sway and you can hit the perfect swing. Thus, you need the right pair of golf shoes to accomplish this. Don't buy your golf shoes from a department store. Go to a sports store or golf shop for the shoes.

A good pair of golf shoes can really improve your game. In addition to providing your feet with cushion and support every time you swing, your golf shoes must also provide your feet comfort when you walk from one hole to the next.

When it comes to golf attire -- from the shirt, pants and down to the shoes -- it's best to spend a little extra on quality apparel. You'll get more value out of your money and allow you to enjoy the game for a long time to come.

Tommy has been playing golf since the late 1990s. He recommends Lacoste Polo shirts for men and ladies Lacoste golf shirts for women; both styles of shirts are made from the very comfortable Pima cotton. For personal shade, he also suggests one of the many styles of Lacoste hats.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Early Super Bowl Lines Are Available And Beatable

Just because we arent even past the conference playoffs in the NFL yet doesnt mean that you cant be looking towards the Super Bowl. There are only four teams left, so there are only four different possible Super Bowl match-ups to consider and handicap. All of the sportsbooks are offering a wide range of bets for you to make for the big game. As you should do in every betting situation, the thing to do is to search the available bets to find any value that is out there.

The most common bet, and the easiest to consider, is a straight bet on which team will win the Super Bowl. To consider if those bets make sense you first have to understand what they are. They are essentially a parlay you are betting on the outcome of two games because your team cant win the Super Bowl if they dont first win their conference game. The first check you need to make, then, is that the bets are paying at least what a two team parlay would 2.6/1. At that price you are sacrificing a house edge of 10 percent, so you likely wouldnt want to accept odds that force you to give up even more of an edge. Both of the AFC teams, then, are pretty bad value at this time. The Colts are typically available at 8/5, or 1.6/1, while the Patriots are at 9/4, or 2.25/1, so both teams are fairly significant underlays. On the other hand, bettors who have faith in the NFC can find excellent value. The Bears are at 7/2, or 3.5/1, while the Saints are the longest shots on the board at 9/2, or 4.5/1. In both of those cases you would have a significant advantage over the house over the long term.

At some books, including Bodog, you can bet on which two teams will meet in the Super Bowl. This, again, is a parlay, only this time it is a parlay of the two Conference games. Like the earlier bet it is also a sucker bet in some cases. If Indianapolis wins the AFC, then the bet will be lousy regardless of the NFC winner. The Bears and the Colts would pay 8/5, while the Saints and the Colts pays 9/4. Not only are you sacrificing a good deal of your edge to the house, but you are also currently accepting a lower payout in both cases than you would if you were to play a moneyline parlay on the two games, even though that is exactly the same bet. In other words, the sportsbooks would love for you to make these bets all day.

By shopping around and looking at some of the more creative and bizarre Super Bowl prop bets you can sometimes find circumstances where you can find a bit more value for your preferred bet. Say, for example, that you were confident that the Super Bowl winner was going to be either Indianapolis or Chicago. The Colts are at 8/5 in futures betting, and the Bears are at 7/2. If you dont have a particular preference between those two teams, then the smartest move would be to dutch those two teams so that you make the same profit regardless of which one of those two teams win. Dutching those two teams with a total bet of $100 would provide a profit of almost $65 if one of them hoists the trophy. BetCRIS has a prop bet that allows you to bet on whether an African American coach will win the Super Bowl. The two teams with African American coaches are, of course, the Colts and the Bears. The current odds on this happening are -140. That means that a $100 bet in this case returns more than $71 in profit. The prop bet pays almost seven percent more than the futures bets would with identical risk.

BetCRIS will let you not only bet that any of the four teams will win the Super Bowl, but you can also bet that any of the four teams will not win it. The potential payoffs are very low the Colts offer the highest payoff at -165, while the Bears are the lowest at -640 but the bets could offer another way for you to squeeze out more profit if you are very confident in your opinion. If you are sure that Tom Brady will win his fourth ring, for example, then you could grab a few extra bucks by betting that Indianapolis wont win. The bet probably wouldnt make sense in most situations, but its another option for action.

If you arent interested in shopping around and looking for value, then maybe you just want to gamble. There are several prop bets out there already that will scratch your gambling itch, and many more will come along before kick off. Do you feel like you have a good sense of the coin toss? You can bet on whether the toss will come out heads or tails. Both sides are at -105, so you would be better off to bet with the buddies you are watching the game with. You can also bet on which team will win the coin toss, and whether the winning team will choose to kick or receive. That all means that an unlucky degenerate could be down three units before the game even begins.

Check Doc's Sports Predictions for daily sports betting articles, NFL Oddsand 2007 Super Bowl Coverage and much much more!

Monday 3 November 2008

Softball Pitching Tips

If you are a pitcher in the sport of softball, it can be hard to be on your game every day. That's impossible. However, there are certain methods and guidelines that if followed, will allow you to be a lot more successful on the pitching mound. These tips for softball pitching have been known to work and will for you as well if you decide to incorporate them into your pitching habits.

1. Always try to swing the arms up with the body

2. As you bring your arms up for the pitching motion, your pitching arm will make a 360 degree circle while your balance arm will go up about 90 degrees and come back down. Do not let your balance arm swing off to the side; it will diminish the power of the hip snap.

3. As you bring your arms up for the pitching motion, your pitching arm will make a 360 degree circle while your balance arm will go up about 90 degrees and come back down. Do not let your balance arm swing off to the side; it will diminish the power of the hip snap.

4. Losing her balance easily. During a pitch, pay close attention to the pitcher's head; make sure she's focusing on the batter, not putting her head on a swivel. Another cause of balance problems is when a pitcher takes too big a step backward with her non-dominant foot when beginning her windup. It's essential that a player doesn't step more than 6 inches behind the rubber.

5. Don't try to force the ball to rise; it is the spin that should control this.

Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at

He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at Go Sign-up Now!

How to Win in Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Competitions

Mixed martial arts competitions are captivating performances where two fighters of the same weight class but entirely different fighting styles come face to face in the ring to see who is the better fighter. Of the many techniques used is such matches, striking and punching are the most common, and the fighters are judged based on six different criteria. Foul criteria are also used to judge the victor of the match, unless one of the fighters either concedes the match or is knocked out.

In mixed martial arts tournaments, knockouts work in much the same way as they do in boxing matches. Provided the strike is legal, whenever a fighter is knocked unconscious during a match, his or her opponent is immediately declared the victor of the match. As ground fighting is not prohibited during these competitions, the match will be stopped once one fighter is unconscious to ensure that he or she does not sustain further injuries.

Technical knockouts may also occur, where the referee awards the match to one fighter because the other is no longer able to defend him or herself, having been struck too many times. A fighter who loses consciousness while in a hold, sustains a serious injury, or suffers a broken limb may be declared unable to continue by the fight doctor, thus the match will go to his or her opponent by default. If such injury is the result of an illegal move, however, then the match will be called "no contest" or the offending fighter disqualified. In matches that get this violent, a fighter's corner man may also "throw in the towel" for their fighter if he or she thinks the fighter is unable to continue.

Disregarding warnings by the referee or carrying out illegal moves or actions are grounds for disqualification of a fighter in a mixed martial arts fighting match. An offender will receive three warnings not to commit a particular fou, and if they persist, then they will be disqualified and removed from the ring.

A contest may not be called due to the same illegal action that results in a debilitating injury to one of the fighters. Mixed martial arts contests also may not be called if both fighters continuously disregard the rules throughout the match.

A submission ruling refers to occasions when a fighter concedes defeat during a mixed martial arts match. A fighter who wishes to do this will either tap their opponent or the mat three times, or they will say it out loud so that the judges and referees can hear. Finally, the judges of a match may call it if the fight drags for too long. Fighters will then be judged according to particular criteria based on a ten-point system, taking into account the points each fighter scored for their intensity, form, and other aspects of their performance. The victor will be the fighter who scored the most points during the match. Fouls such as strikes to the groin, head, or throat, head butting, clawing, hair pulling, throwing the opponent from the ring, abusive language, and spitting will all result in a deduction of points.

Dave Tessevich
For more articles, information, and resources on mixed martial arts fighting, visit The MMA Fight Site


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