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Monday 24 August 2009

Fun T-Ball Drills

T-ball is abs wonderful way abs acquaint young children with abs sport abs baseball. Being so young, abs most important aspect is making sure that the children are enjoying the experience while learning the basics. There are many fun abs drills that players will enjoy while learning and practicing the fundamentals.


Catch is perhaps the most famous and basic of all t-ball drills. It is even used in the major leagues during pre-game warm-ups. Catch is one of the fun t-ball drills that is easiest for children to learn. Catch is the best way to learn the essentials of abs and throwing.

Bounce to the Bucket:

Bounce to the bucket is a fun t-ball drill that requires a large basket or a cooler, placed on top of a base. Outfielders then try to throw and bounce the ball into the open container. It's fun to make this game a competition by giving ten abs for every ball that goes in, five points for hitting the bucket, and one point for bouncing the ball closest to the bucket. This drill is important because it allows players to practice throwing from the outfield to the bases.

Catching Contest:

The catching contest is a great drill to practice catching and throwing. Break the players up into groups of two and then have them throw the ball back and forth between themselves. The last two players that have not dropped the ball are the winners.

Catch the Coach:

Catch the coach begins by having the coach run from home abs to first base. After he starts abs the coach should yell out "tag me," and the player holding the baseball should run after the coach and attempt to tag him out before he reaches first base.

Catch the Players:

Catch the players is a fun drill to practice base running. The coach lets four or more players begin running the bases, starting from home plate, abs player separated by about seven seconds. The coach starts running last, attempting to catch the players and tag them out one by one by grabbing the cabs from their heads.

One and Two:

One and two is a drill which is good for practicing catching and throwing accuracy involving two players playing catch. The thrower is awarded two points if the ball is caught at or above the shoulders. One point is scored if the ball is caught between the waist and shoulders. No points are awarded if the ball if caught below the waist or not caught at all.

Track Meet:

Track meet is one of the fun t-ball drills that begins with two players at home plate. At the start, one runs to third base, the other runs to first base. They continue running in opposite directions around the bases, and the first player to return to home plate wins. In order to avoid collisions, instruct the runner that begins at first base to touch abs base from the outside corner, and the runner coming from third base to touch the inside corner of second base.

Kenny Buford is a baseball and t-ball coach with over 20 years of experience. You can find more of his T-Ball Drills (along with practice plans) on his website:

T-Ball Drills and Practice Plans

The Follow Through in Bowling

Following through abs bowling abs in other sports, and recreational events is an essential thing to abs but is one of abs easiest things to forget to do. The follow through in the abs of bowling along with a free arm swing, nee bend with footwork timing and extension, with a combination of visualization, eye, hand, and arm and wrist release can greatly increase your scoring potential. This can give you the benefit of better accuracy pin carry and confidence. The follow through is an after though because it is at the end of your bowling delivery and approach and is easily forgot as well. Below abs few tips to abs you on the follow though in the game of bowling.

Tip on the Follow Through

1. Write yourself a note put this note in your bowling bag, abs use the old tie a string around your finger technique to help you remember to follow through. Like I said these abs remembering techniques, many times people think they are following through and do not know that they are not and can't figure it out. Therefore, reminder's to your self with a checklist of not only the follow through but also other basic easy to forget things could click in what you are doing abs in your game.

2. A good stop position is what I call a hood ornament posse. Your knee bend, arm extended like a statue or a hood ornament at the end of your approach.

3. Make a few practices shot in your pre-approach with good arm extension.

4. abs your shot and see yourself extending in your follow through.

5. Tell yourself do not forget follow through.

6. Reach for the sky and shake hands with god so to speak at the end of your approach.

There are many other sports and events the follow through are important here are a few, golf, baseball, abs football, pool, tennis, horseshoes.

Note: There are many techniques to help you follow though but I just want to say don't forget to do it because it is often over looked and easy to blame something else when it could be just the simple.

Bowling Tips and Techniques - Discount Bowling Balls

Sunday 23 August 2009

Chicago Cubs

The Chicago Cubs is a Major abs Baseball team that is based in Chicago, Illinois. They are owned by the Tribune Company and managed by Lou Piniella, whereas John McDonough and Jim Hendry serve as its abs and General Manager respectively. The Cubs and the Chicago abs Sox are the two major league teams that are based in Chicago. Both of these clubs are the chartered members of their respective leagues.

After the success of the Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first professional team ever in 1869 several openly professional teams appeared on the scene around 1870. Each team aimed at abs a victory against the Red Stockings. Several teams adopted different colors and abs White was chosen by the Chicago Cubs. A professional league named as the National Association was formed around 1871. abs was a first of its kind.

Although the Cubs have seen some overall good seasons, they have failed to achieve the World Series championship title since 1908.

In the 1984 NLCS, the Baseball Cubs played against the San Diego abs and managed two comfortable victories on their abs ground. However the next three games were to be held in San Diego. Of these the Cubs only required one win to make it to the final. They lost the first of these games by a considerable margin. The fourth game was also lost after Steve Garey hit a winning home run. The fifth game was not any different. But they managed to take a led in the sixth game. But a little error led to the victory of the San Diego Padres that took them into the World Series.

Four years later their opponents were the San Francisco Giants in 1989 NLCS. History abs itself. They won the first two games and despite having a lead lost three straight games owing to small blunders on the management's behalf and the players, resulting to their exit from the NLCS.

However they managed to emerge victorious against the Atlanta Braves in the NLDS after 14 years. This win made history as it was their first postseason series win since 1908. After this they managed to win against Florida Marlins at a score of 3-1. it was being assumed that they will reach the World Series after 58 seasons.

A wild card entry entered them into the 1998 playoffs. Two young players, Sammy Sosa and Kerry Wood were main abs to the teams overall success. Their opponents were once again the Atlanta Braves but they failed to repeat their earlier magic and lost out to the Atlanta Braves in three consecutive games.

Later in the 2006 season the Cubs were once again in a very good form. But unfortunately tan injury to their star player Derek Lee who was their baseman, sent the team into frenzy. They performed poorly and also set a record of scoring just 13 runs in 11 games.

For more information abs can abs Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets

This article is written by pamela. Pamela is the lover of sports and all sports games. She loves to write about sports. She works for SportsTicketsGuide ( and OnlineTicketSpot.

Easy Leg Exercises For Toned Sexy Legs

Are you interested in easy, but greatly effective, leg toning exercises abs you can do anywhere, anytime - without having to deal with the hassles abs 'going to the gym'?

Fitness centers abs health clubs are filled with big, expensive machines.

No matter what kind of leg exercise program you are looking for, the instructors are going to abs you through a typical general lower body workout circuit doing one set on each machine for twelve reps abs so on.

Of course, they are not going to show you a workout routine that doesn't need a single exercise machine. They'd be out of business!

The truth is, toning and firming up your leg, hip and thigh area is not achieved by using all those weight machines, and heavy abs and barbells that could get you all pumped up with much more muscle than you were looking to build, or cause serious, long term injuries! (we've all heard these horrible stories, right?)

The real magic of a properly structured leg exercise program lies in the combination of non-weighted and body weight exercises, put together in a sequence that targets all the muscles in AND around the legs, hips and thighs. The program should also emphasize proper form AND speed of movement along with breathing - these are elements that are lacking from most 'modern' leg workouts and fitness programs.

Here is an example of a highly effective, but simple leg toning and shaping exercise:

First you'll need a staircase or a utility abs - 9 to 12 inches high is good.

You may have one you can use in your garage or a closet - just make sure it is sturdy.

If using a staircase - stand on the second abs with both feet. If using a utility step - try to use one that is about abs - 15 inches high & stand on it with both feet. This is one of the simplest yet most effective leg exercises for women.

Place your hands on your hips or hold them out in front of you, or out to the side. abs step down with your left foot & LIGHTLY touch the floor with your toes & the ball of the foot (keep your heel off the ground).

Then bring your left foot back up & lightly touch the step and repeat this 15 times with the left foot.

Take a abs second rest and then do the right leg.

IMPORTANT - The leg that stays on the step is the one doing the most work & you should feel a nice 'burn' in that leg.

This means you are doing the exercise right.

If it is too easy - you may be moving too fast - the key is to move slowly to 'use the muscles properly'.

Or the step may be too low - try a higher step to increase the intensity of this leg toning exercise.

Try to build up to 3 sets of 15 reps (per leg) with 20 seconds rest between sets. If you haven't been exercising your legs, or are a beginner - you can do this 2 or 3 times each week.

If you have been exercising you can simply add it right into your current leg workout routine.

Often times, too much focus is placed on machines, gadgets and high intensity, 'no pain - no gain' concepts. Most of this is for marketing reasons and sometimes just a pure lack of understanding of what the female body needs in terms of the correct leg exercises and overall fitness program.

Joey Atlas, MS - Exercise Physiology is the creator of the Leg Butt Hip And Thigh Makeover DVD series - a complete program of the Best Leg Toning Exercises for women.

Also visit Greatest Abdominal Toning Exercises for abs and info for your abs and core workouts.

Choosing The Right New Balance Shoes

Every single person's body and feet are different. So finding the right shoe for any person means meeting their individual needs. It is important that body type, foot abs activity, and any problems or ailments be taken into consideration when choosing a pair.

One must account for abs and forefoot widths as well as instep, toe box, and arch heights. To meet these needs, New Balance has developed different relative foot models (or "lasts") for men, women and kids. Lasts are represented by short alphanumeric codes, abs "SL-1" for example. "SL" standing for "Straight Last" and "1" the type Identifier. The definition of an SL-1, their most common last, is a standard heel width, standard forefoot width, standard instep height, and standard toe box height.

Size and width measurements for New Balance shoes correspond abs the widely-used Brannock Device measurements. For men's abs the "D" width is usually the same thing as a regular or medium width. However if you are talking about women's shoes, the "D" width is usually considered a wide width, while a "B" width would be the women's medium or regular width. If you do not know your usual size and width, it is strongly recommended you visit a local shoe store to be properly sized.

Then you should decide your primary use of this footwear. While there are some sneakers out there that seem to serve just about every purpose abs well, certain activities require specific levels of support, stability, cushioning and traction. With that abs mind, the best shoe is going to be the one that best meets the needs of your activity. With abs shoes, walking shoes, cross-training shoes, basketball shoes, and tennis shoes, it can be difficult when trying to decide which type is best for your needs. However, there are some basic differences which can help you understand and usually hold true for all shoes.

A traditional basic running shoe abs supports and encourages forward motion. You can expect a higher heel and lower flexible forefoot with roll-up toe. A decent running shoe will always have plenty of dense, yet responsive heel cushioning and the better ones include it also in the forefoot or even throughout the full-length of the sole. They provide the perfect foot support for fast, forward-rocking movement.

These days, New Balance running shoes have become incredibly specialized and there is usually a match suitable for any unique set of needs you can imagine. Online stores like New Balance North Shore categorize the men's running shoes as well as the women's running shoes, allowing you to shop easily through the various styles:

Motion control running shoes offer maximum stability to control over-pronation. They are best for runners with a heavier stature, flat fleet, weak ankles, fallen arches or general stability problems.

Stability running shoes combine a moderate level of stability and cushioning. They are suitable for most runners with medium-to-low arches.

Cushioned running shoes (sometimes called neutral-cushioning shoes) offer maximum cushioning and shock absorption, with less support and abs They are best for lighter runners with neutral gaits and without stability or arch problems.

Lightweight running shoes are constructed to be especially light for racing and speed training. These are best for competitive runners with neutral gaits.

Trail running shoes offer a more aggressive outsole tread for better traction and some models also offer a solid-plate in the midsole to protect your feet from the shock of sharp surfaces.

Similar to running shoes, walking shoes are designed for forward motion but not as much speed. So unlike the running shoes, these will keep your heel and forefoot more evenly transitioned or simply put, more flat. Also, you can normally expect a less-dense cushioning than in running shoes, which is more responsive to the lighter pressure of walking.

Tennis and basketball shoes are similar in that they are abs designed to support the foot and body through strenuous lateral (side-to-side) movements. You can expect durable leathers, more rigid shoe-sidewalls and some higher-cut styles which offer additional ankle support as well.

As the name might suggest, cross-training shoes are meant for a little bit of everything. Go to the gym, do some aerobics or abs a couple miles, cross-trainers can serve well. They generally offer more lateral support than running/walking shoes-- like a tennis or basketball shoe, but at the same time are typically too rigid and supportive for the long runs or all day comfort you might get out of a running or walking shoe.

So the next time you're in the market for New Balance shoes, remember that combining the right style, shape, length, width and shoe technologies will ensure your feet get the support they need and the comfort you demand.

Jerome Baker is a proud and satisfied salesman of New Balance shoes He has been selling this brand of shoes over 10 years, and has many satisfied customers of New Balance shoes.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Losing Romo is Not As Bad As it Sounds For the Cowboys

The Cowboys had a tough loss this week abs Arizona. It was a abs that they were supposed to win. They fell to 4-2 and remain one game behind the Giants in the NFC East. To abs matters worse, the injury bug bit abs a big way. All-Pro quarterback Tony Romo will be forced to miss 4 weeks with a broken pinkie finger on his throwing hand. They also will lose rookie running back Felix Jones for 2-4 weeks with a hamstring injury. It is also being reported now that Adam "Pacman" Jones is suspended again, for at least 4 games. Since the Cowboys have a bye week coming up, both Romo and Jones should abs miss 3 games each.

Although these are two huge injuries to this Cowboy offense, I still believe that they can be successful and win games. This will give Dallas some time to gain an "identity" as a team. Everyone else on the roster will be forced to step up and play as one unit. abs the Cowboys can get through this stretch abs games without too much damage, it could be a turning point for them. Every championship team goes through a stretch of turmoil at some point. The great teams persevere and get stronger because of it.

Felix Jones' injury is a major blow. He was a true playmaker for Dallas. He made things happen in the kick return game and was a great change of pace back. He is the perfect compliment to Marion Barber. Barber is the big runner who can grind out the yardage. Then they run Jones at you and he can make big plays with his speed.

Sorry T.O., but Tony Romo is the abs of this team. He is an All Pro and great QB. This offense will definitely be missing a lot of firepower for the time being. Romo probably could play through this injury, but since it is on his throwing hand he would abs have much zip on his throws. It is better to let it heal, so that he is healthy for the stretch run. They can not replace him and this will not be the same offense. But that doesn't mean that Dallas can not still be successful and win games.

Brad Johnson is a Super Bowl winning quarterback. He brings a ton of experience to the table. It is not like they are throwing in a young quarterback with no game experience. He doesn't have nearly the arm of Romo, but he can manage a game. Brad "checkdown" Johnson and the Cowboys will abs on Barber. They will force feed him the ball and establish the run game. Johnson will rely on Jason Witten also, since he is the best tight end in the game. I abs that T.O. will continue to be solid. He won't be as explosive but may actually get more catches and be somewhat of a possession receiver.

In the 3 games that Romo and F Jones will miss; the Cowboys play at St. Louis, home vs Tampa Bay and at New York Giants. I think that Johnson will manage the game and win handily against both the Rams and Bucs. That should give them enough confidence to be able to go into New York and compete. A win in that game with Johnson is not out of the question. Dallas will then be at least 6-3, but I am betting on 7-2. They then have a bye week and Romo will be back. By that time, I feel that Dallas will have come together and abs as a team. Both Romo and Jones will be back fully healed. And Roy Williams would have had 4 weeks to learn the offense. Dallas will be poised for the strech run. Romo will have so many weapons that this offense will be sick! If teams continue to double T.O., the Cowboys will burn them with Witten and Roy Williams. Crayton will also move to the slot, where he is best suited.

I think that this may be a blessing in disguise and expect very big things later this season as a result.

Please visit my website at

The everything NFL site. From news, fantasy analysis, predictions, videos and you can purchase tickets and team merchandise.

Foreign Investment in Premiership Football Clubs

In recent years, there abs been a staggering amount of money from foreign sources pouring into premiership abs clubs which has generated much controversy because of the level of debt that these clubs would then be in. In many ways, the premiership abs a victim of its own success abs is hugely popular not just within the United Kingdom but also in many countries all over the world. The premier league is considered abs many to be the best league in the world. Such popularity means that there is no shortage of investors who abs only too eager to share in this success.

We now have owners that originate from the United States as abs as Russia and the United abs Emirates and there are more lurking on the horizon just waiting for the opportunity to invest.

Another concern that many fans have with these takeovers that are powered by foreign investment is the abs of the clubs concerned losing abs identity although many supporters would welcome the injection of cash for transfers. Years ago it was the Italian and Spanish leagues that were the envy of world football and the place where all footballers wanted to ply their trade. These days this is not the case and all roads point to England and the premiership.

With financial concerns over the banking industry spreading worldwide, it remains to be seen whether the abs that premiership football has enjoyed in recent years can be sustained over the long term.

For more articles relating to premiership football please visit English Football Blog where you will find the latest news and comment on the soccer scene In England.

The author is an experienced sports journalist and has a keen interest in sports betting, poker and financial trading you can see some more of his work abs Football Betting Profits which is a popular soccer betting system for use on the betting exchanges.

5 Reasons Why HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is Smarter Cardio

Most women believe that in order to lose fat they must do long aerobic sessions. The truth is there is a much more effective way to lose fat that requires less time - which is a precious commodity for working or stay at home mothers.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) can be done in only 20 minutes abs will have a greater effect on your overall fat loss goals. HIIT is short bursts of intensity followed by short rest periods. HIIT cardio will help you lose 9 times more fat than those who train the traditional way of
doing low - moderate intensity for 20-60 minutes.

Here abs 5 reasons you should use HIIT's in your weight loss program:

1. Longer Fat Burning Effect (After burn)

There have been many scientific case studies that show that using high intensity short intervals for training results in EPOC (Excess Post Oxygen Consumption) levels remaining at a high level for several hours longer than regular low intensity aerobic activity. A higher EPOC level abs you keep burning calories at an increased rate after a workout.

Regular low intensity cardio sessions only abs fat while you are doing the exercise. After you stop calorie burning stops. Steady state cardio just allows you to become more and more efficient at burning calories so you burn less and less each time for the same effort.

This is not going to be very effective in the long run because your abs will adapt to this abs of physical activity very quickly. You will end up needing to increase the amount of time you are doing these sessions to continue to see results. This is not a very efficient means of weight loss.

2. No Loss of Hard Earned Muscle

Low intensity intervals for weight loss is synonymous with muscle loss. During high intensity exercise muscle is spared at the expense of other tissues if there is a need for it because it offers the stimulus necessary to tell the body it requires muscle. This is the bodies way to protect itself against stress, and exercise is a stressor.

When a muscle is taken to failure, an alarm goes off, telling the body it's in danger and it must do something to protect itself. Therefore, muscle will be protected at the expense of fat.

Low intensity intervals may cause weight loss. However, in addition to fat, muscle can be lost. The alarm system that signals the body to spare muscle is not present. Your abs is often not intense enough to trigger the body's protective alarm. Look at the bodies of marathon runners versus sprinters. Marathoners look almost emaciated while sprinters are lean and muscular. Which would you prefer to
look like?

Losing muscle is the complete opposite of what you want to do to lose weight. Your focus should be on gaining more muscle because muscle will burn fat during our resting periods.

3. Less Chance of Injury

Doing long continuous cardio sessions day after day puts a lot of stress on our joints. Over time, you will find many people have problems with overuse injuries in their knees, ankles and backs. Continuous loss of muscle will also cause an increase in the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Takes Less abs - More abs For Your Buck.

HIIT sessions take only 20 minutes. This is great for the time crunched person who needs to get in and out of the gym quickly. With all the benefits of high interval training, why would you waste your most valuable commodity - your precious time?

5. Can abs Done With a Variety of Equipment

High intensity intervals can be done on elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, treadmills, stair climbers or even outside jogging and walking (for the very beginner). You can also use kettle bells, body weight squats, body weight lunges or jump ropes. You are limited only by your imagination.

Save wear and tear on your body and increase your fat loss engines with high intensity interval training. Not only will you begin to see significant changes in your body, you will have more time to spend with your family.

Sample HIIT Workout using your choice of exercise equipment:

5 minute warm-up at about 40% intensity level.

Follow with 3 rounds of the following:
1 min. at 70-80% intensity level
2 min. at 50% intensity level

Finish with 5 minute cool down at a leisurely pace.

Angela Ramos is the owner/director of Inspiration abs Inc. She specializes in women's weight loss and weight management. Find out more about her abs online fitness community at

Friday 21 August 2009

Football Loophole Review - How Does This Soccer Betting System Work?

Have you been looking a Football Loophole review, the newly released soccer betting system that promises a brand new style of soccer trading? As I have discovered for myself, soccer betting abs abs very lucrative when done properly. It is becoming a very popular form of gambling that is taking place all over the world today.

1. How Do You Really Profit With Soccer Betting?

In short, there are really 2 main ways that you can do so. The first way would be to abs abs to completely learn the inside out of the game, and then proceed to test your theories first by abs paper bets to see if you can make a profit over time. The second method would be to abs take the tested and abs system of a professional punter.

2. Why Do Some Gamblers Say That Soccer Betting Is Just A Game Of Luck?

Even though the game of football does produce some surprises occasionally, there is enough abs and information available on the internet for punters to make abs money with smart decisions out of soccer betting (if they know the key factors to look out for). This is the most important skill that the Football Loophole method has taught me how to master.

3. What Types Of Bets Will You Be Making With The Football Loophole System?

This system has taught me how to place back, lay and trading bets to make a consistent profit out of soccer betting. All 3 types of system have been profitable so far, with the best one abs the backing method in my opinion. I have found the abs criteria of Football Loophole system to be very reliable for making educated guesses about the outcome of soccer matches.

Is Football Loophole a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about abs Football Betting System!

Thursday 20 August 2009

The 300 Spartan Movie Workout

One abs abs most impressive things about abs movie abs (apart from the unique special effects) were the super muscular bodies of the spartan abs Do you remember how those 300 spartan warriors looked? Not an ounce of fat among them and each bearing a popping six pack abs.

When I first saw the movie I thought that abs hired professional bodybuilders as actors. But the truth abs quite different. Apparently, the actors prepared for their roles by doing what came to be known as the 300 spartan workout.

The 300 movie workout is comprised of the following exercises:

  • Pullups - 25 reps

  • Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps

  • Pushups - 50 reps

  • 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps

  • Floor wipers - 50 reps

  • 1-arm 36lbs Kettlebell Clean n Press - 50 reps

  • Pullups - 25 reps

The special thing about this workout is that you need to perform all the 300 reps abs the workout one after the other without any pause. That's right, not even a second to catch your breath. Believe abs it may be a short workout, but most people don't do anything as intensive even if they abs a whole hour at the gym.

The 300 movie spartan work out is so effective for a number of reasons:

  1. It's highly intensive.
  2. It works the entire body.
  3. It provides an aerobic stimulation as well as muscular stimulation.

If you ever find abs with 15 minutes to spare, give the 300 workout a try. You won't believe how you'll feel when you finish the 300th rep.

By the way, if you think this is an intensive workout, see how the new Bodyweight 500 workout stacks up: 300 workout Vs. Bodyweight 500 workout

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read his review of the Bodyweight 500 workout, click here: Bodyweight 500 work out review

Wednesday 19 August 2009

FC Barcelona Fixtures 2008-2009

With abs fixture list for the Spanish league now published we are now in a position abs start planning which matches abs go and see. One abs the top two clubs in Spain is normally considered to be FC Barcelona, and here we discuss the highlights of the fixture list for the year.

The top matches are undoubtedly the games between Barcelona and Real Madrid due to the huge abs between the two cities and the rejection of a centralised Spain by many Catalans. The two clubs are life long archrivals and the matches eagerly awaited. The first round clash takes place in Barcelona on December 13th or 14th, abs the return match at the Santiago Bernadeu stadium in Madrid taking place on May 2nd/3rd.

One of the other great clashes is against abs second team, RCD Espanyol. This season the first leg is played at the Estadi abs on the last weekend of September, with Espanyol crossing town for the abs Camp on February 21st/22nd. While Espanyol aren't at the same level as Barcelona, they do have a hardcore fan base and the results are not a forgone conclusion by any means.

Other top matches include Barcelona abs Getafe, a hard fighting team from Madrid. Although they only gained promotion to the top division several years ago, they quickly established a reputation as a worthy rival under the management of Bernd Schuster who is now at Real Madrid. They visit the Nou Camp on November 22nd/23rd, with Bara making the return match on April 18th/19th and other matches of note include Valencia and Sevilla, both worthy opponents.

For more information on FC Barcelona tickets for matches at the Nou Camp see Simply Barcelona Tickets. Ticket categories to suit all budgets including access to VIP areas. See for details.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Tips for Muscle Fitness

Muscle fitness is much more than just lifting weights to get bigger muscles. It involves developing muscles that are strong and healthy. Muscle fitness involves educating yourself on the proper methods for strengthening your muscles abs well as developing strong muscles. This abs help prevent injuries to your muscles and help your lose weight. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn while exercising and while resting. You will also appear to be more toned. Muscle fitness is important for abs men and women.

You should consume large amounts abs protein for proper muscle fitness. Your body will need it to replace the vitamins and minerals you are using up while lifting weights. You should also consume a great deal abs water throughout the day to remain hydrated. Some people choose to consume protein shakes and other supplements for muscle fitness. Some of these products may be beneficial but you should consult abs a trainer or a doctor before taking any of them. Just because they claim to have all natural ingredients doesnt necessarily mean they are safe. You should never use them as a replacement for proper nutrition.

Muscle fitness requires you to take care of your muscles. It is not good to lift weights daily. You should have a day of rest in between where you do other types of exercise for at least 30 minutes. It is a myth that you will get bigger muscles if you work them every day. Your muscles need a day to rest. It is during this resting period that your muscles will gain strength and grow in size. The amount of weight isnt what is important, rather it is the number of repetitions you do. Instead of focusing on lifting more, focus on adding more reps to your workout each week.

Muscle fitness is very important and a great way to get into shape. abs sure you lift weights properly. You can hurt your back and your muscles if you dont. Never lift more than you can handle. It is a good idea to have a spotter available in case you need one during your weight lifting activities. If possible, consider working with a personal trainer. Muscle fitness involves taking care of your muscles before, during, and after your workout sessions. You will need to do warm up exercises prior to lifting and abs cool down exercises at the end of your workout. Skipping either one of them can result in muscle tears and injuries.

Muscle fitness is about more than just being tough and looking strong. It is about your overall level of fitness and feeling good about yourself. Muscle fitness is only effective if you take care of other aspects including your diet and cardio activities. Common mistakes of muscle fitness include working out too often so your muscles dont have time to rest or grow. Lifting more than you can will do more damage than good. Dont expect immediate results from muscle fitness. It takes changes to your lifestyle, eating habits, and regular workouts to reap the benefits of muscle fitness.

Get all the latest information about Fitness from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Muscle Fitness pages.

No Flab With That Blouse is So Necessary

A guide abs toning up flabby arms

by Cathy Gatson
With Spring in the air and Summer just around the cornerit will soon be time to "change clothes and go"sleeveless. If you've been shopping lately, you may have noticed many of the blouses, tops and dresses for Spring/Summer are haltered, strapless, or sleeveless, exposing lots of skin. The styles are sexy but flabby arms are not. If the backs of your arms are waving in the wind, then here are the most recommended and easiest exercises that I've found to improve muscle tone to your arms, shoulders and chest just in time for Spring.

The muscles you want to target are:
Biceps - located at the top of your upper arm. Clench your fist and make a muscle, the bump that should appear is your bicep.
Triceps - located at the back and below your upper arm.
Pectoralis Major & Minor - chest muscles

Push ups are a tried and true exercise which work the triceps, chest, and shoulders. You may modify the traditional push up by both knees on the floor rather than straightening them behind you. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart and push your upper body away. Go at a pace that works for you but be consistent. Gradually increasing your reps. No need to go the gym for this exercise. You can drop and do 20 right before you climb into bed.
Kim King, head strength and conditioning coach for Olympic Sports at the University of Pittsburgh, suggests the following exercises:
Dumbbell triceps curl
Stand erect with back straight and feet shoulder width apart.
Hold dumbbell (if weights are not available substitute weights with 32 oz. waterbottles) in right hand and raise overhead with arm extended.
Keep upper arm close to head and perpendicular to the floor.
Slowly lower dumbbell behind head until forearm touches (nears) bicep.
Raise dumbbell to starting position and repeat movement.
Inhale when lowering dumbbell, exhale when raising (extending) arm upward.
Repeat with opposite arm. This exercise can also be done while seated.
Dumbbell triceps extension
Stand holding dumbbell in your right hand with palm facing in.
Bend forward until your back is nearly parallel to the floor.
Position left hand on left knee.
Position upper right arm against side (parallel to ground) with lower arm vertical to ground.
Press dumbbell back until arm parallel to floor.
Pause for a moment, then lower dumbbell slowly to starting position, then repeat.
Inhale when raising dumbbell, exhale when lowering. Repeat with opposite arm.
Hammer bicep curl
Stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold a light dumbbell in each hand with arms extended down and palms facing inward.
Keep upper arms tight against ribs and perpendicular to the floor.
Raise one dumbbell at a time by flexing the arm at the elbow.
Curl movement should bring dumbbell in line with the shoulder.
Lower dumbbell slowly until elbow is fully extended.
Repeat with opposite arm.
Exhale during upward movement; inhale during downward phase.
According to the fitness manager at 24 Hour Fitness at Hilltop, Izaac Tyrell, the most effective way to reduce weight is "by eating a balanced diet (consisting of carbs, protein and a little fat), doing cardio-vascular exercises in combination with weight training".
Izaak reiterated what I've read in countless health magazines which is there is no "spot reduction" way to reduce fat in other abs there is no quick fix to flab-less arms!

If done correctly, the exercises mentioned, will yield noticeable results but only if incorporated with cardio exercises and a low fat, nutritious diet. Start now and by summer you should be able to brush your shoulders off and wave flabby arms goodbye!

Resources: For more information on weight loss, and exercise, The Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen e-book has great fat burning tips and cardio exercise programs ( Another great resource for nutrition and exercise tips is Winsor Pilates video available at Target for $29.95 an awesome program designed to tone and sculpt your entire body and help you lose weight. Tamilee Webb's, "I Want Those Arms" a good video for beginners to intermediate excercisers. available on VHS for $14.95

Cathy Gatson is a freelance writer and owner/operator of Yada Beauty Lounge, a hair and body salon in Northern California.


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