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Saturday 22 August 2009

Foreign Investment in Premiership Football Clubs

In recent years, there abs been a staggering amount of money from foreign sources pouring into premiership abs clubs which has generated much controversy because of the level of debt that these clubs would then be in. In many ways, the premiership abs a victim of its own success abs is hugely popular not just within the United Kingdom but also in many countries all over the world. The premier league is considered abs many to be the best league in the world. Such popularity means that there is no shortage of investors who abs only too eager to share in this success.

We now have owners that originate from the United States as abs as Russia and the United abs Emirates and there are more lurking on the horizon just waiting for the opportunity to invest.

Another concern that many fans have with these takeovers that are powered by foreign investment is the abs of the clubs concerned losing abs identity although many supporters would welcome the injection of cash for transfers. Years ago it was the Italian and Spanish leagues that were the envy of world football and the place where all footballers wanted to ply their trade. These days this is not the case and all roads point to England and the premiership.

With financial concerns over the banking industry spreading worldwide, it remains to be seen whether the abs that premiership football has enjoyed in recent years can be sustained over the long term.

For more articles relating to premiership football please visit English Football Blog where you will find the latest news and comment on the soccer scene In England.

The author is an experienced sports journalist and has a keen interest in sports betting, poker and financial trading you can see some more of his work abs Football Betting Profits which is a popular soccer betting system for use on the betting exchanges.

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