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Monday 28 March 2011

Scotland 0-2 Brazil | International friendly match report

As Brazil began their farewells to a former hero, further proof that a new star has been born arrived in London.

Comparisons between Ronaldo and Neymar begin and end at the fact both are Brazilian and both know exactly where the goal is. The recently retired Ronaldo appeared on the Emirates pitch before kick-off to take a bow before followers who still adore him. The 34-year-old was never famed for being lean during his career but unlearned observers would now take some convincing to believe he was the best player in the world not so long ago.

Neymar, conversely, has a frame so slight and face so boyish that you could fear for his safety against rugged Scottish defenders. He is the epitome of appearances being deceptive, as was illustrated for the latest occasion here.

The 19-year-old, already courted by at least Chelsea and Real Madrid, will generate a serious amount of money when he is eventually coaxed away from Santos. From a position on the left side of Brazil's front three, Neymar proved Scotland's tormentor-in-chief by scoring the goals which endorsed the dominance of the Brazilians.

Elements of Scotland's support understandably over-indulge with alcohol as a means to forget about defeat. Those who stayed sober for this friendly should have only appreciated the skill of someone who is only just old enough to imbibe.

Afterwards, Neymar's national manager was posed with what will become ever-more frequent questions regarding where the player's future will lie. Far from discourage Neymar regarding a life-changing move to England, the Brazil manager Mano Menezes virtually advocated such a transfer.

"I think that could only be good for Neymar," said Menezes when asked directly about the prospect of Chelsea acquiring the youngster's services. "Going to England would give him more physical strength, to enable him to escape strong marking. If he got that, he would be a more complete player to of course it would be good for him.

"Of course, if young players leave Brazilian football when they are young then it is bad for us. It deprives us of the opportunity to watch them play but I understand the personal ambitions of each one of them and the financial benefits available to them."

Brazil's football federation benefitted in monetary terms from the latest round of their world tour. This could be regarded, then, as the perfect exercise with Scotland essentially unable to trouble their illustrious opposition.

Craig Levein and his players, in fact, readily discovered that Brazilians have little trouble indulging in the less glamorous side of the game at which the Scots have been forced to master.

For long periods, it looked as if those in blue and white were being restricted to one touch per minute.

Neymar was eventually withdrawn 60 seconds before the end of stoppage time, allowing the forward to earn the ovation he deserved from one half of the ground at least. Menezes could reasonably have substituted his star man on humanitarian grounds a lot earlier.

The opening goal is worthy of more credit than some may give it. Albeit Scotland - and Scott Brown, bizarrely given he had spent the preceding minutes arguing with the Brazil midfielder - were slack in allowing Andre Santos to cavort down his left flank, Neymar's finish was exquisite. A curling but not fierce shot ended up in virtually the one corner of the goal where the Scotland goalkeeper Allan McGregor had no chance of covering.

There rarely seemed much likelihood of Scotland recovering. Their sole striker, Kenny Miller, was so marginal he had cause to place a Lonely Hearts advert.

Neymar clipped McGregor's crossbar with an effort within seconds of the second-half getting underway. It was from the penalty spot, though, that he rightly emphasised Brazil's superiority.

Charlie Adam found himself on the wrong side of Neymar inside the area, with a tired - and illegal, in the view of the referee Howard Webb - challenge following. The moment rather summed up the afternoon of Adam, for whom high hopes are now routinely held.

"Charlie told me afterwards that he was disappointed with the way he played," said Levein. "I told him that shows how far he has come in the last year, that he has that disappointment. It was refreshing to hear him speak like that; some people had spoken before the game about Charlie being as good as anyone on the pitch."

There was never any doubt that Neymar would dispatch from 12 yards. McGregor, who had kept the scoreline respectable with a string of smart saves, was left feeling as helpless as his team-mates. The Scots can take solace from the fact they won't be the last team to suffer on account of a fresh-faced kid from Sao Paulo.

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