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Thursday 21 April 2011

London 2012 Olympics: 20 questions with Drew Sullivan

DS: Yeah I think so. I think it’s going in the right direction. We’ve got the European Championships this August, which is the last big tournament before the Olympics. We’re in an extremely tough group which I think really favours us in the long-run with the Games coming up. And that’s basically our big picture.

TS: When’s the last time you skipped training?

DS: I think about a month ago. I just didn’t feel like going in.

TS: Have you ever lied to get out of training?

DS: Yes – a month ago. I phoned up and said ‘oh, I don’t feel well....I’ll be in tomorrow’.

TS: Is sporting success down to luck, talent or hard work?

DS: A bit of all of them. I know a lot of talented people who don’t have jobs at the minute just because of the way the basketball market is at the minute. So that’s where the luck comes in. But I think it’s a lot of luck, a lot hard work and a lot of timing. It’s about just being in the right place and going to the right team and having a coach and team-mates that make you better and give you the opportunity.

TS: Is winning silver, losing gold?

DS: It is but I think from our standpoint – being in the Olympics for the first time – winning silver would be winning silver. I would be upset to make it to the final and lose but I think that playing in the final is actually less pressurised than playing in the bronze medal game. You could lose and not get anything. At least if you play in the final you could get silver.

TS: How do you celebrate after a tournament?

DS: I don’t really do a whole lot. I go home, maybe have a beer and sit down and watch TV. After we won a trophy this year I went back and hung out with my family. I’m sure that at the end of the season if we won the play-offs we’d go on a night out as a team but normally it’s just ‘on to the next one’.

TS: What is your idea of happiness?

DS: My idea of happiness is that my family and I are together and enjoying each other’s company. I’d like to grow old with my family around me.

TS: What is your idea of misery?

DS: Getting old by myself with nobody around.

TS: Are you jealous of anyone?

DS: No, I’m not jealous of anyone. I have my life – I’m extremely happy with it. I’m in a situation that’s been somewhat created by myself and my family – and we’re happy.

TS: Is there one thing you regret?

DS: No, not really because I feel like everything that’s gone on in my life has shaped the person that I am. If I take out even the smallest detail out of my life it could have such a detrimental effect on how my life turned out. And I like how my life has turned out.

TS: What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?

DS: I would say two kids but you don’t buy them, you just rent them don’t you? Probably my Sony TV. I’m trying to upgrade to 3D but I’m getting dirty looks about it.

TS: When did you last clean your toilet?

DS: Last night actually.

TS: How much is a pint of milk?

DS: A pound I think. Something in that region. [Nope – it’s 45p]

TS: McDonalds or Burger King?

DS: McDonalds. I like the fries there.

TS: iPad or newspaper?

DS: I go online on my iPhone to read the tabloids. Does that count?

TS: You see someone kick a dog, what do you do?

DS: I’d probably get really agitated as I’ve got two dogs myself. I love my dogs so I’d kick off pretty bad.

TS: Do you believe in UFOs?

DS: I don’t know, I’ve never seen one personally. It’d be a shame if we were the only intelligent life forms in the universe but I’ve never seen an UFO so I can’t comment.

TS: What would you like written on your gravestone?

DS: I didn’t want to have to think about that for a while..... Good dad, good husband. That’d be enough for me.

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