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Monday 30 May 2011

Fifa to press ahead with presidential election despite Mohamed Bin Hammam's suspension

He was particularly angered by Valcke’s revelation during a press briefing, in an apparently clear breach of process, that he had received an email from the Puerto Rican FA backing the allegations and claiming that they had been given $40,000. Valcke said that he thought more nations might come forward to back the claims.

“I have been given the impression that the Ethics Committee is absolutely an independent committee, but in the press conference we have seen today, the General Secretary made clear that he is the one who has the influence in this committee,” Bin Hammam said.

The descent into civil war between Fifa’s senior figures came after the ethics committee announced that Warner and Bin Hammam will face a protracted investigation, and Valcke insisted there was nothing to stop the election proceeding.

Blatter was cleared by the ethics committee of any wrongdoing after being accused by Bin Hammam of knowing about the Trinidad payments and not reporting them.

Announcing the decision ethics committee deputy chairman Petrus Damaseb of Namibia said that as no payments had been made at the time Blatter was warned he had no case to answer.

Referring to Warner and Bin Hammam, Damaseb said: “We are assuming they are innocent until proven guilty but we are satisfied that there is a case to answer.” Damaseb said they would face a full investigation with independent investigators and legal counsel assisting the ethics commission.

He said it hoped to report within 30 days, but that the bans to Warner and Bin Hammam could be extended if required. With Blatter clearly having benefited politically from the allegations against Bin Hammam there a case for postponing the election while the investigation is completed.

A delay to allow an independent review might restore some confidence in Fifa’s reputation, but Blatter and Valcke are determined to press ahead, with the president expected to present his fourth term as a mandate for reform. Many will doubt his sincerity given a previous reluctance to tackle allegations of corruption.

The danger for Fifa is that with recriminations rife there is no knowing what allegations may surface.

Valcke acknowledged that the severity and timing of the allegations represented a “watershed moment” for Fifa, but insisted that there was no reason to delay the election.

“Maybe [Fifa’s reputation] is not at the highest, that is clear, and it is sad,” Valcke said. “I am not the Fifa president, it is for him to decide what to do, but I am clear we want to put systems in place to ensure that this does not happen again.

“The most important thing is a commitment from all the members of executive committee and president to ensure change at Fifa, so that in his last mandate Fifa is stronger and cleaner than it was. But if you are asking me am I happy that Blatter is elected president, the answer is yes.” Valcke also revealed that an FA inquiry into allegations of corruption in the 2018 World Cup bidding process made by former chairman Lord Triesman had found no supporting evidence from other bid members.

Blatter said in a statement that he regretted the damaging impact of recent events.

Meanwhile Chuck Blazer, the Fifa executive committee member who launched the investigation into Warner and Bin Hammam said he felt obliged to act after being presented with firm evidence of bribes.

“Of course it was difficult,” he said. “But what is more difficult is to ignore the fact that attempts were made to suborn members — it really wasn’t a choice.

“I said to Jack [Warner]: ‘What are you doing? In 21 years we have never bought a vote.’ Once you have done that you have let the genie out of the bottle and for any issue, people will say: ‘OK, how much are you putting on the table?”’


The accused: how ethics committee ruled on embattled executives

Sepp Blatter

What was he accused of? Knowing about the proposed $40,000 payments to Caribbean Football Union (CFU) officials allegedly made by Mohamed Bin Hammam, but not reporting them.

What was the verdict? The claim was rejected by the ethics committee and Blatter is free to stand in Wednesday’s presidential election.

What happens next? As things stand, Blatter will be re-elected as Fifa president for another four years.

What he said “Fifa’s image has suffered a great deal.”


Mohamed bin Hammam

What was he accused of? Offering $40,000 each to 25 CFU associations earlier this month as 'gifts’, in return for votes in the presidential election.

What was the verdict? The ethics committee decided there was enough evidence for Bin Hammam, who withdrew from the election on Saturday night, to be suspended from “all football-related activity”.

What happens next? Fifa will launch a 'full inquiry’ into the allegations.

What he said Bin Hammam denies the charges of vote-buying.


Jack Warner

What was he accused of? Helping facilitate the $40,000 payments to CFU associations for Bin Hammam.

What was the verdict? Warner was also suspended from all football-related activity by the ethics committee, while a full inquiry is launched into the allegations.

What happens next? The inquiry, involving independent external investigators, should take around 30 days.

What he said Warner denies any wrongdoing.

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